Things that annoy you?

Something that really annoyed me this week was the fact that my father, who is very feeble and uses a walking stick, struggled into town on his own for the first time in years to show his support for the pensioners' protest. On the Luas on the way back to Dundrum where he'd parked his car, he had to stand the whole way clutching his stick. Not one person stood up and offered him a seat despite the fact that the luas was full of young people (no doubt many of them well spoken 'celtic cubs' who think they're wonderful). They should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Their rudeness and selfishness was absolutely disgusting.
Believe it or not, internet exists outside Dublin

Dublin focus on this site.

Sure look at liaconn's post above.
Going into Dublin city centre is never mentioned here, it's going into town and if you don't know that's Dublin they you are supposed to assume it.

I saw many posters going about on Blanch here before I know where that was or what it was.

Other posters looking for something. Recommend me a plumber in town, eh which town?

And if you are from Tipperary, Louth or Cork don't forget that Dundrum town or Blackrock in your county do not exist.
Re: Believe it or not, internet exists outside Dublin

The LUAS is in Dublin, most people know that.
Blanchardstown has more people in it than most towns in Ireland, Dundrum and Blackrock in Dublin are bigger than their namesakes elsewhere so it is when the other Blackrock and Dundrum are mentioned that a distinction should be made.
Re: Believe it or not, internet exists outside Dublin

The LUAS is in Dublin, most people know that.

I can read the post and figure out where the person was going. It's isn't always that clear though.

For example, plently of posts of people in Co. Wicklow asking for commuting advice to "town". And if you ask where they are trying to get to it's always Dublin. Usually left unsaid in the first post though.

Why not just post that, sure it could be Arklow or some other town. Yes, I'm aware where more jobs are located.
People in shops who wait til everything's run through the till then run off to get something else leaving a queue building up behind them!
Re: Believe it or not, internet exists outside Dublin

Blanchardstown has more people in it than most towns in Ireland, Dundrum and Blackrock in Dublin are bigger than their namesakes elsewhere so it is when the other Blackrock and Dundrum are mentioned that a distinction should be made.

It's about familiarity, Dubs will no doubt know how big blanchardstown is but I for instance haven't a clue same goes for Blackrock, I wouldn't know if blackrock in dublin was bigger or not than the one in cork.
The boss's wife, who thinks i am employed to carry out her personal business just because she's too lazy to lift the phone and do it herself - since when is ordering name plates for every new sprog she hears about is in anyway connected to my job.

Oh my god I thought I was alone!!!! Like fingernails on a chalkboard!
Ministerial hypocrisy

Hypocrisy - I know of someone who works in a ministers office. This Minister has been on the TV a lot recently explaining about how we need to get real and the cuts are necessary. The same guy had a secretary book Chapter 1 for lunch last week, his daughter arrived and they got the ministerial car over to Chapter 1 had lunch and then he threw the docket to a secretary to be expensed as a "business lunch". €200 well spent when the country is on it's knees - I've just heard him say "we cannot afford to row back on these decisions, we are borrowing €9 million per day at present". Sickening...........

Re: Ministerial hypocrisy

I don't think anyone is too surprised. Sure is it not taxpayers money hard at work! Sure, we'll have Complainer telling us that the same goes on in the Private Sector.

Well minister that is my money, I paid it over in my taxes. Your quick lunch is a weeks pension for someone better deserving than your offspring.
Re: Ministerial hypocrisy

Well said
At the moment, the amount of airtime dedicated to the Brand/Ross debacle is really starting to bug me....

I'll admit that the prank was out of order in many respects, but I'm sick to the teeth of hearing about it now!
Things that annoy me...

Going to the bother of getting a bin tag... putting the bin out before the 7am guidance time (on saturday morning)!

And getting up at 10.00am to find your bin still full.. your tag gone...

Two things, it was either ROBBED, or blew away in the gales of saturday!

aaaaaaaaaaaargh! Groan...
At the moment, the amount of airtime dedicated to the Brand/Ross debacle is really starting to bug me....

I'll admit that the prank was out of order in many respects, but I'm sick to the teeth of hearing about it now!
Agreed. It shut be let drop now.
Agreed. It shut be let drop now.

As in they should be sacked and forgotten about or the press should not acknowledge what they have done anymore? If Pat Kenny, Gerry Ryan etc played the same 'prank' over here do you think we would shut up and get over it? I don't have any real interest in the story but I can see why it is dragging on.

The idea of Pat Kenny being involved in a similar situation makes me laugh really... I don't think they should get away with it but there are other news stories like the earthquake in Pakistan for instance.....