Things that annoy you?

Ads that mix 2 voices:

"Its hard to concentrate on two things at the same time "(dont talk on mobile when driving)

"Its hard to concentrate when you have a headache" (anadin or something like that).
The most annoying thing at the minute has to be that radio ad with Deirdre O'Kane screeching about something or another in a boggerish accent. God...It's so annoying...just screeching down the airwaves. I think she's funny doing stand up but stay away from Radio ads Deirdre...your tones are anything but dulcet!
4) Airport - getting on / off the plane - why do people jump up like lunatics to get on / off planes??? They haven't even parked the plane and people are trying to get bags out of storage *L*

Coz I am always in a DESPERATE hurry for a fag!
It annoys me when people claim to be "dying" from the flu when it is likely that what they actually have is a cold. Or when someone says they have a migraine but are still able to go to work, answer mobile, etc. If you have a real migraine or a genuine dose of the flu then it is unlikely you would be walking around chatting about it!
Fair enough - but you still don't get off any faster than me - and I'll still see youat Passport control and don't forget how long it takes for the bags to come out

Ads that mix 2 voices:

"Its hard to concentrate on two things at the same time "(dont talk on mobile when driving)

"Its hard to concentrate when you have a headache" (anadin or something like that).

Following this, ads that use certain accents which to me have no bearing whatsoever on the product. There's an ad for an Irish motor dealer on radio which uses what I consider to be a badly attempted Brummie accent. Why ? I mean if it was a Geordie accent then people might think of Jack Charlton driving one and that might influence their decision .
People who don’t take responsibility for their own actions. For example, those who over-reached themselves during the boom and now, finding that they can’t pay the mortgage/loan/credit card bill, blame the government/the banks/the media.

News flash: IT’S YOUR OWN FAULT!! If you are an adult you are responsible for your own actions.

Maybe for those that cannot cope with this reality there should be a mechanism to be declared an official idiot and be made a ward of court...?
Thats a bit harsh.

Yes maybe, but just because you're approved for a mortgage of 300k doesn't mean you should take ALL 300k in a mortgage and absolutely screw yourself when rates go up by .0001% !

What ? It's already happened ? Oh alright then, I'll get me coat....
I assumed that when you got a mortgage, the bank took into account if you could manage increases?

When other things take effect - i.e your let go, your hours are cut... would you be still an idiot?

I just feel that the whole post is a bit smug... Look at you "idiots - serves you right, throw them to the lions".

I realise that some people have taken on more than they could chew - but banks have to be accountable too, and regulators and so on.... If they can't manage a .00001% increase, why was it approved in the first place?
People get loans for the deposit from friends/family members which the bank know nothing about and approve the mortgage on this basis. When the repayment of the loan is taken into account as well as the mortgage, then people are stretched, and the increases are felt.

The banks definitely have been to loose in the past but when it comes down to the crunch anyone buying a house at their very maximum repayment ability must look at themselves and say they lost the run of themselves. You are talking a 30-40 year period, there are so many things that can happen good and bad that the individual should have the awareness to legislate for. It is very tough but I dont accept that when bad luck befalls you that you automatically blame someone else.
While I don't have a huge problem with this, it does ignore the competitive effect of the free market. Even if you try to borrow/spend responsibly, the actions of other people will drive up the price for you. So this drives the 'if you can't beat em, join em' thinking.

I don't agree that we should call them idiots though. I agree that people should take responsibility with such a huge commitment as a mortgage.

Just take example of the Medical cards at the moment -every time I hear Matt Cooper - he keeps talking about a family in Kerry - with 3 kids one on the way - and very little to live on from week to week... his question why not give them a Medical Card... Do you think they are to blame for the situation they are in... they knew what their mortgage was.. stop having kids... ?

How does it drive the 'if you can't beat em, join em' thinking?
You speak as if having a free market is a bad thing, is this your view?
While I'm all for personal responsibility there has to be a few 'leaps of faith' in life.

The thing with kids is that one you have them you cant give them back. Houses are a bit the same way at the moment given the market.

So my point is that, without a crystal ball you cant know for certain that you'll always be able to care for your kids and pay the mortgage, you should have a reasonable expectation that you can before you set the irreversible train rolling but some things like:
  • becoming unemployed
  • become long term ill
you cant legislate for. You can insure against to some extent or minimise the risks, but that is it.

So I do feel sympathy for a family where one or both loses their job or gets sick. Whereas if neither was employable in the first instance then having 6 kids was always going to lead to tough times.

Now while this might sound like a charter for the wealthy, that only they should have kids or houses or a good lifestyle, I'm afraid that the reality approximates this. You can live off the state to some extent, which I wouldnt ever fancy doing, but really you have to play with the cards you are dealt and if you knowingly try to play beyond them then you're heading for trouble. If you want 6 kids in a council house then fair enough but you should know before you start that it wont be easy.

Work hard, try your best, generate some better 'cards' and then play with them. Too many people want to blame others, expect others to bail them out, and their lack of personal responsibility for anything is one of the main causes of their problems.