Things that annoy you?

people who try and rush L drivers by blowing horn.
Surfers who can't keep to their own line.
People who have a few quid and since they are ok, damn the rest of the country.
Posters who are mod wannabes, ye know who ye are
clients who rang after 9pm to ask stupid questions tha could wait till morning
mother in law.
People who say xmas, don't take Christ out of Christmas. If you are non religous, called it winter holiday or something, not xmas.
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Having my change put on the counter when my hand is out waiting for it.

That makes me almost violent!

Assistants who insist on putting the notes in your hand then the small change on top leaving you to balance the shopping in one hand, money in the other and get it in your purse....or the alternative...holding up the queue while you straighten yourself out and find yourself on a list like this
Reading all these angry vents. Why not bottle it all up and go bonkers. It truly is a great state of mind
When Joe Duffy asked the "Old People" complaining on his show about medical cards if the new revised rates effect their entitlements to a Medical Card answered. "I don't know I havent done the sums yet".

Why don't they know?
Ads that are dubbed. Like the current rennie ad or the kinder bueno.
Seriously, if they can't afford to do an english version of the ad, at least get the voice over right!! Very annoying!!
Those express checkouts in Tesco and Superquinn that tell you 'there's an unexpected item in the bagging area." OH MY GOD who dreamed up this thing about the bagging area? Can't I just scan, pay and go? Wasn't that the idea?
Usually a bag, in my experience - and I've found myself so irritated that I've replied to the automated voice to tell it so!

Then the scanner won't work until you remove the bag, but in order to continue operating insists that items have to be placed in the (bagless) bagging area instead of in your perfectly good but apparently unacceptable bag, which means you can't pack each item as you scan and the next people in the queue are glaring daggers because "some idiot" didn't realise they'd have to pack their items until they'd scanned everything and is now blocking a free scanner... and so the vicious cycle of supermarket rage continues.
People who say xmas, don't take Christ out of Christmas. If you are non religous, called it winter holiday or something, not xmas.
People who don't bother researching the history of the term Xmas, and assume it's an attempt to remove religion from the holiday.
People who don't bother researching the history of the term Xmas, and assume it's an attempt to remove religion from the holiday.

I would bet my bottom dollar that nine out of ten people don't know what the X stands for and use the term out of laziness.

It's easy say "don't bother researching the history" when it was already done for you.
Having my change put on the counter when my hand is out waiting for it.
Many cashiers do not want to catch whatever diseases customers have. The less physical contact with customers the better.
In a busy supermarket, you could have hundreds of customers passing through. Touching each of their sweaty, probably disease ridden hands is disgusting. Many of them might not wash their hands after visiting the toilet.

On the flip side of this, some people are quite particular about the cashier touching their food - or sneezing over it. Have they considered how many hands their food has already passed through? Ten minutes earlier, the sneezy cashier could very well have been stacking your apples, or bread.

They are more likely to catch something from the change they are handling than from the customer. I expect the change handed back to me not for the cashier to rub my hands.
They are more likely to catch something from the change they are handling than from the customer. I expect the change handed back to me not for the cashier to rub my hands.
I would have thought germs are more likely to survive in sweaty, warm conditions than on metal.
Anyway, there is a second aspect to this. The action of handing back change incurs a level of interaction that a cashier might not find desirable.
I would have thought germs are more likely to survive in sweaty, warm conditions than on metal.
Anyway, there is a second aspect to this. The action of handing back change incurs a level of interaction that a cashier might not find desirable.

Interacting with the public is a part of their job, if they can accept cash being handed to them then they can accept handing it back.
Idiots who blow their horn a nano second after the light has gone green

Gas guzzling SUVs blocking my view at roundabouts and when I'm trying to reverse out of a parking space

Arrogant brats hassling elderly drivers and intimidating them from using the motorways. Whose taxes do they think paid for them in the first place?

People who won't take their screaming babies out of restaurants

Colleagues who assume people without children are people without lives and will always be happy to work late, provide cover for the Christmas break, take their 'summer' holidays in October, represent the company at overnight conferences etc etc etc.
The Ad I listen to on Newstalk radio about some clothes shop in know the one with "I'm a country girl who lives in a high-rise" etc...maybe that's not exactly what is said but anyway it annoys the hell out of me! The horrible D4 accent on the female who is talking puts the icing on the cake. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhh