Things that annoy you?

People who post a whole new post when they only meant to edit and add something.
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  • People who smoke.
  • People who support English Soccer Clubs and then support Outer Mongolia if the are playing the English national side.
  • People who consider Glasgow Celtic Irish. There Scottish!
  • Bank Chief Executives who haven’t had the dignity to resign in the last few weeks.
  • Reality TV.
  • The TV Licence.
  • Marty Whelan
  • Gerry Ryan
  • The Catholic Church
  • Armchair Republicans
  • Monarchists
  • Halloween
  • Dog poop on the streets
Anti-smokers ('specially the infallible holier-than-thou ones)
Holier-Than-Thou types
'Pro-Lifers' (as opposed to 'Anti-Lifers' )
Drivers who: don't use indicators in traffic, have no lane dicipline, have no spatial awareness, have no consideration, open their doors in fron of me(someday they'll regret that choice ), use their phone while driving.
Mothers using the 'child 'n buggy' mode of stopping traffic to cross the road
2-Faced people
Blind patriotism
Blind faith
D4 'roish' accents
Those who acquire accents within 2 mins of moving to a new area
The government idea that road is better than rail in the transport of goods
office politics
vested interests having influence over policy making decisions
The yellow...sorry 'Green' party

That'll do for a start.

Oh...pedantic, nit-picking individuals...worthy of a slap at the best of times.
ATM etiquette – whenever I’m at the ATM invariably the person in front of me is on their mobile while also fumbling in the wallet/purse for the card, they then do their transaction while still on mobile, then proceed to put another bank card in the ATM to check its balance...and sometimes even a 3rd.
Flyers through the letter box – and the folk who put them there never close the gate after them
Dj’s, & radio stations who interrupt songs with the jingle ‘’s ten hits in a adds’
Rules of the Road for Parents – the yellow boxes outside schools don’t mean no parking except for parents they just mean no parking!
Soiree’s – why cant folk just have a party!
Folk wearing pyjamas bottoms out in public.
Folk in gyms who’s lives are so important they cant leave their mobile phone in their gear bag while they’re out exercising.
Bad breath
Mates who u share a taxi with and always let u pay the bill saying they’ll get u a pint.
Slurpers of tea/coffee at work
Folk chewing gum with their mouth open.
Fianna Fail – the builders & trade Unions party.
That guy who’s the general secretary of the Irish Nurses Union.

People who say "Folks"
People who breach posting guidelines and use text speak.
Those express checkouts in Tesco and Superquinn that tell you 'there's an unexpected item in the bagging area." OH MY GOD who dreamed up this thing about the bagging area? Can't I just scan, pay and go? Wasn't that the idea?
Seeing as nit-picking was mentioned: people using the word "advise" as a noun. Oh, and yer-wan Joanna on The Apprentice!
Those express checkouts in Tesco and Superquinn that tell you 'there's an unexpected item in the bagging area." OH MY GOD who dreamed up this thing about the bagging area? Can't I just scan, pay and go? Wasn't that the idea?

Have you come across the escalator you can take a trolley on in Tesco? In the Wexford store it is (or maybe "was" now) rigged up that every time someone passed a certain point this voice would boom out "Please prepare to push the trolley off the end of the conveyor belt". It would do it for every single person and was sometimes a constant stream, one after the other. Just going through the checkout with the weekly shop was enough to drive me to distraction, I don't know how the people could work there.
Germs etc....

Men who make that awful hock/hacking sound with their nose.
People who wait until they are seated at a restaurant table to blow their nose and have a good look at the contents in their hanky.
Girls working at supermarket checkouts who cough over your groceries.
People who handle or squeeze fruit and vegetables in supermarkets.
Staff in St. Vincents hospital who don't use the sterilising liquid at the entrance to disinfect their hands because they don't need to.
People who stand practically on top of you in queues and inch forward every time you move an inch especially when they are breathing all over you with their foul smelling breath.
Women who spray perfume on themselves in the confined space of an aeroplane as happened to me last week unfortunately it didn't hide the smell of cheap hamburgers off her. Take a bath lady.
People who get all high and mighty about armchair fans, irish following english clubs etc, its entertainment, we are allowed to enjoy ourselves.

When I ask at the deli for one slice of ham in a role and they proceed to stick a fistful anyways, or the classic 'butter or mayo' and I say no thanks which obviously is code for yes please in deli speak.

Having my change put on the counter when my hand is out waiting for it.

mental block
Went to a concert to see Queens of the Stoneage a couple of months ago there was a girl screaming at the top of her lungs, her friends were all mortified.

What brought this on is I'm listening a C.D. Muse in concert and the same girl seems to be in the back ground as well....must some kind of secret society or something....very annoying.

Another thing that bugs me is when someone is turning right and they change lanes at the last second cutting you off.

People who don't practice what they preach.


People who think that bullies pick on weak people.
Having my change put on the counter when my hand is out waiting for it.

In many other European countries the change is put on a little tray on the counter. A Polish friend of mine was told off by his wife for "holding out his hand like a beggar" for his change when she came over to join him.
In many other European countries the change is put on a little tray on the counter. A Polish friend of mine was told off by his wife for "holding out his hand like a beggar" for his change when she came over to join him.

Sounds like the wife has issues, beggars don't usually beg for their own cash.