Things that annoy you?

Need a bit of engineering help on this one. I've just been inspired to invent a device based on a gimmick I saw on some old talent show. At the top of a queue (supermarket, bus, whatever) when the cashier asks for the money, s/he hits a timer switch. If the money hasn't been handed over within three seconds, a spring-loaded hook grabs the offending customer and drags them to the back of the queue.
That's true.
Like most guys, a trip to the shops should be over as quickly as possible, as well planned and as efficent as an SAS mission.

Thoroughly agree, though married a long time now Mrs twofor1 still cannot understand my shopping. If I need a pair of shoes I can walk into the first shoe shop I see and walk out five minutes later with a new pair of shoes. She thinks I’m an oddball
People who boast excessively about their kids or nephews /nieces....

If half of what I hear is true the doom and gloom will be over as we will have cars running on water and 12 year olds finding cures for cancer and four year olds sorting out the problems in world banking..... have no fear little Johnny is here....
Like most guys, a trip to the shops should be over as quickly as possible, as well planned and as efficent as an SAS mission.

Memories of sending hubbie to shops after I'd had a baby. I wanted to go but he passed over my list I written. He arrived back in jig time with 2 small bags....I got worried.
He didn't realise the list is the starting point....the MUST he went without biscuits, treats, coffee etc. Good enough for him

SAS = Shop As She-would
SAS = Shop As She-would


Peeves - podcasts, litterbugs, people who swear a lot, people who tell lies and people who exploit others.

Trying to walk across O'Connell St Bridge before 7pm. Does anyone know why they (presumably DCC?) allow traders to park their stalls on one of the busiest footpaths? Trying to walk across the road i.e. to get off the bridge can sometimes mean waiting for two light changes
* Things that aren't broken being fixed - the Boasters were just fine, but no, they had to "improve " them.
* Just about everybody else on the road at the same time as myself.
* Brochures and leaflets in the Newspapers
*Magazine articles that are " Cont'd on page 198 " ie at the back.
*RTE Radio 1 only playing half of the original broadcast on the rerun at night.
* Radio Ads in general, and the ones with the " real " person/customer in them, in particular
A minor one, but some early morning Today FM DJ insists on providing his own elongated, unnecessary versions of song titles.

E.g. "Aaay...there you go... Led Zeppelin...and she's buying a stairway to heaven"

Also, the way that in America (despite their reputation for being polite), in practice, excuse me is really only a euphemism for get out of my way.
The male vs female shopping posts are definitely true in my case.

Here's my step-by-step guide for how to embark on a shopping trip: -

(1) Create mental list of required items.

(2) Cross-check (1) with existing mental list of geographical area where you are likely to obtain all of the items in the one place, possibly shopping centre.

(3) Enter first establishment - let's say a shoe shop.

(4) Scan displays of suitable shoes - no more than 5 seconds. Pick up a shoe. Then take no more than ten seconds to establish answers to the following three straightforward questions: -

(i) Do you like it? Yes/No.
(ii) If Yes, is it in your size? Yes/No.
(iii) If Yes again, is it for sale at a price that you consider to be reasonable for the item in question? Yes/No.

(5) If the answer is Yes to all three questions, buy the shoes and leave the shop immediately. Do NOT look at other shoes after the purchase has been made.

You don't have to worry about whether or not you got a bargain. You won't look at another shoe-shop window until the next time you need to buy a pair. You answered "Yes" to (4) (iii) above. That's enough.

No sense nor meaning (to a shopaholic) to that organised approach.

Far more fun to start out in Henry Street, wander over to Grafton Street but head back to Henry Street because the shoes were better over there. Sure you might need two pairs as well after all that walkin' (well, that's the excuse given to him indoors just to stop him moaning about the Visa bill).
A minor one, but some early morning Today FM DJ insists on providing his own elongated, unnecessary versions of song titles.

E.g. "Aaay...there you go... Led Zeppelin...and she's buying a stairway to heaven"

A possible solution to the problem of DJs elongating the song title from the lyrics of the song might be to request that he plays "So What" by the Anti Nowhere League (also covered by Metallica).

You see the above makes sense.

Men are so funny. Mr.V has now given up even looking for clothes and shoes. Instead ( I am not joking) he sends me into the shop while he stays in the car, I go through the rails and make a selection, then he comes in, narrows the selection by saying there is no way in hell he'll be caught wearing some of them, then tries on ( only at my insistance) the least offensive. Those that fit go to the till. That's it until next year. I've just realised he's now made me his personal shopper...
Mrs. F. has gone one further. In an attempt to stop me wearing the same clothes until they are literally threadbare, nowadays she just comes home with new items as required and presents me with the bill.

If feeling flush (for definition of this phrase from olde Ireland, look up "pre-recession", "boom years" etc.) I'll make a shopping trip myself and will buy everything from socks through trousers, shirts and jackets in one go, in accordance with my stricts rules of shopping detailed above. Generally takes no more than two hours. Then no more for at least a year. Will usually reward myself with a gadget. Haven't done this at all in 2008. Might be nearly time.
Couples who decide the whole bus/luas needs a demonstration of how passionately in love and physically attracted to each other they are.
It annoys me when someone (always female) sees you and exclaims "you've lost LOADS of weight!" when I have, in fact, lost none. I understand this is said in a well meaning manner but all it does is say to me that I looked rubbish the last time this person saw me or that maybe I've managed to disguise the few extra pounds better this time... Either way it's a comment that always bugs me. How would they like it if I said "you look WAY better today than you did the last time I saw you!" ARRRGH... A simple "you look really well" can work wonders.
People who park up at the filling station, leave their car at the pumps after its been filled with petrol, go into the shop with the 2-3 snotty kids, proceed to buy 2 slices of various processed meats for the kids lunch, (he'll only eat ham and she'll only eat chicken carry on etc). Then has a chat with bridie from down the raod about all the homework the poor 7 year old gets, then row with the kids about getting sweets only to give into them in the end, then realises she needs milk, starts the process over again, says good luck to bridie, and out into the car to strap in the 3 whelps that should be well able to walk up to the shop and get the messages for her.. then remembers she nearly forgot to pay the attendent. makes a joke with him about same. straigtens herself and looks in the rear view mirroe, salutes me and then drives off.. all the while i just want to get €10 worth of unleaded and go home and there she is holding up the whole show...

You love children I take it ?
Long queues at the supermarket are made more execrable when one, or more, of the people in front of you wait until when asked before searching for the means to pay for their items. And that is even worse when they use it as an opportunity to offload small change.

Ditto, gobdaws at the EastLink who wait until the last moment to find the coins for the toll.
All of the above, and...

People who whistle / sing in an open plan office - incredibly distracting, and it's difficult to ask people to stop [mostly because offenders then glare as though you've told them you enjoy torturing puppies, and hope to shoot giant pandas on your holidays]. They're usually out of tune, too. [not the puppies].

Compulsive drummers - it can be anything in the range of pen-clicking, drumming fingers on hard surface, knee slapping, rattling cruets against each other, or variations on the foregoing.

Low slung trousers with a careful inch of boxers showing over them.

People bending over while wearing low slung trousers. It's not only builders, you know.

Builders' ideas of "deadlines".

Lists of things to dislike with new items that haven't previously annoyed you, but you now realise are very irritating.