Things that annoy you?

When I'm paying by credit card it irks me more than it should that the person on the register always asks me to type in the PIN a second or two before the display on the key pad says to type it in. After their request I'm left poised over the machine waiting to type it in. I suspect there's some bad programming behind this and they're seeing the PIN request before me.

1. Pushy Sales Reps calling to my home who will not take no for an answer.

I had another today who after ringing the bell opened my sliding door and stepped into my porch, when I opened the hall door she was in my face and launched into their latest promotion. I politely told her I am not interested thank you, this was totally ignored, the pitch continued, again I politely said I am not interested thank you, again the pitch continued, this time I enquired politely what part of I am not interested thank you are you having difficulty with? At this point she asked did I not want to save money, I said no, she thanked me and left.

I should not have to go to these lengths. If a stranger calls to my door and I politely tell them I am not interested thank you, they should accept that and go.

2. People breaking the stalks off broccoli before they weigh it always annoys me, I think it’s incredibly stingy. As yet I have not confronted anyone on this issue.
people Breaking The Stalks Off Broccoli Before They Weigh It Always Annoys Me, I Think It’s Incredibly Stingy. As Yet I Have Not Confronted Anyone On This Issue.

LOL - let us know how you get on.
Between 7.45 a.m. and 8 a.m. every morning, my neighbour when putting her household rubbish in her various bins lets the bin lid slap against the side of her bin. I think she puts one item at a time in to her bin.
My other neighbour who, as the leaves start to fall from his trees brushes them off his boundry line on to his neighbours patch.
People in supermarkets who start bagging their messages only when everything has been put through.
Not leaving disabled parking spaces for people in wheelchairs.
Not indicating at traffic lights until the light turns green.
Black ink on my fingers after I read the newspaper.
The borrower in Stillorgan library who appears reads the same sort as books as me but insists on marking his page by turning down the corners.
People after saying their goodbyes when visiting people insist on blowing their car horn as they drive away.
People who smoke in bus shelters on wet rainy days

People who sprawl themselves and their bag comfortably across two seats when the bus is full and people are standing

All the parking spaces at the supermarket door being reserved for perfectly fit parents with young kids

Badly synchronised traffic lights (the ones at the junction of the Templeogue road and Terenure in particular aaagh!)

Kids being driven five minutes up the road to the local school

Teenagers on buses shouting at the tops of their voices even though they're sitting beside each other - I don't care what way you're doing your hair for the debs, or how drunk Emma was on Friday night.

Wow, you're right, this is cathartic.
Or else they have little to lose by putting the tickets up for sale before they actually get them? Or else they will never have the tickets, but they are happy to try to scam you out of your money anyway.
People who don't pick up dog poo....especially if I stand in it
From their own dog - right?
Most of the above - kindred spirits.

Note to BMW drivers - the indicators are operated by a lever on the left of the steering column; it even shuts itself off when you turn the wheel so the ticking doesn't interrupt your telephone conversation! How cool is that.

Not mentioned yet :

- People who hold apparently urgent mini-conferences in the middle of busy corridors or door-ways (Note to Brendan Drumm - give them rooms to talk in or train them to recognise patients)

- ATMs that force me through the whole schemozzle of picking an amount, selecting whether or not I want a receipt (I want receipts for EVERYTHING), and then tells me it can't do what I requested (Note to Ulster Bank, Centra, SuperValu, Dunnes Stores, An Post, et al. - your ATMs suck)

- Supermarket queues where the woman in front of me (trust me it is invariably a woman) dashes back into the shop just as she is about to pay for her groceries to collect the milk / bread / coffee she forgot (Note to shoppers - make a list before you leave the house)
People leaving buildings that are oblivious to the people behind them and decide to pause at the threshold, blocking it, before finally leaving.
People who park the first few inches of a car in someones driveway leaving the whole rest of the length of it blocking the pavement, forcing pedestrians out onto the road around it, this makes me even angrier if pushing a buggy or wheelchair.

Sales assistants who act like youre disturbing them when they have to serve you.

Insincerity in the office, a staff member who is perfectly polite within the bosses earshot but once out of hearing range of the boss is curt and rude to people.

People who shout 'its ok he wont go near you' when their out of control dog comes hurtling towards you with drool hanging from his chops and a maniac look in his eye.
Then when she gets the milk, she stands in a daze at the till until (surprise, surprise) the cashier asks for money, and then she starts looking for her purse or wallet.
Right - I've read this thread and have decided I'm going to run for Taoiseach. Here's a few of my pre-election promises: -

  • Employ a new squad of traffic cops in unmarked cars. Once they catch you breaking even a minor rule of the road, your car gets confiscated on the spot and you can collect it the following day on production of a €500 fine.
  • Plain clothes manners police. If you are caught offending against common manners in any of the ways described above, they have the legal right to punch you in the face.
  • New rule at supermarkets - if a person in front of you in the queue runs off to buy something else while the cashier is mid-way through checking out, the cashier cancels the entire transaction and then you and everyone else in the queue can obtain bonus loyalty club points by throwing the rest of her groceries at her across the shop.
  • If a sales assistant or barman ignores you for more than three seconds when you're standing right in front of them at a counter, it will be permissible for you to drag them over the counter to your side, render them unconscious by your preferred means and then hop over the counter and serve yourself.
Who's going to vote for me?

Excellent. Where do I sign?
Then when she gets the milk, she stands in a daze at the till until (surprise, surprise) the cashier asks for money, and then she starts looking for her purse or wallet.

That’s their standard operating mode. Another prime example when paying cash on the bus. They know the fare in advance (well most drivers don't, just try asking them), have waited between 1 to 45+ mins for the bus to arrive. But then it comes time to pay. Blink, Blink, route around for purse, in pocket etc, fine money, count out money, deposit money in slot. Just watch the men in operation (unless they have run for the bus), coins in hand, precounted, dropped straight into slot, no messing around.

That's true.
Like most guys, a trip to the shops should be over as quickly as possible, as well planned and as efficent as an SAS mission. If it's a small purchase and I've loose change, then the time spent waiting is use to get rid of as many coins as possible, all counted up exactly and ready to go.
Dawdle and wander around shops without buying anything?........never!

Often I do have my hand over the credit card machine ready to punch in my pin and always I'm told to do it "when I'm ready".
It seems pretty certain the cashier can see some message about 2 seconds before the customer can.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
Hey, I'm there with you. Can I have a signed photo for Ms Simeon? BTW, included is 50 squids to start off your campaign.

I keep my porch door locked for this very reason.
Granted it's a new door and is easy to unlock it from the inside without needing a key.... but not the outside. It's easy to wave away door-sellers!

My own pet hates are -
* People who get off escalators and stand around at the top/bottom, oblivious to the mini pile-up behind them.

* People who stand up on planes and get in everyone's way in their rush to get off.... to stand in a queue at passport control and stand at the luggage carousel.

* Fellow plane passengers who grab the back of my seat to stand up. Won't their legs hold them, why do they need a handful of my hair to stand up?

* Tailgating, drivers who boot down bus lanes and force their way in front of you, arseways parking and rampant ignorance of how to use lanes on a roundabout.

* Littering, especially people throwing fag butts from their cars.