These people call themselves christians


Registered User
This is just about the worst thing I've seen for a while. This is the natural progression of the Bush America - a country run by fundamentalist Christians much more hate-filled than any of the Muslim kind (although in their case it's directed at gays and abortion clinics)

Article about their recent demonstration

[broken link removed]

The Westbury Bapstist Church homepage

Best of all, a flier to hand out at a funeral to the mourners

I'm actually speechless
Those nutters are more extreme than the regular Christian conservative constituency in the US that polictians like Bush have to keep happy.
...fundamentalist Christians much more hate-filled than any of the Muslim kind

Well at least we have not (yet ?) seen any Christian suicide bombers killing scores of people.
What religon was the Oklahome bomber? Religon is used as a scapegoat for a lot of bad things that happen. Its power that corrupts and the struggle for power causes people to kill others in many cases.
Organised religion is a farce. Hypocritical to say the least. Should all christians not be communist/socialist?? Love one another, share everything with your brother etc??
Should all christians not be communist/socialist
Yes. This post will be deleted if not edited immediately was the first Communist.
Organised religion is a farce. Hypocritical to say the least.
That's a bit sweeping, can you expand on your point?
I suppose it was a bit much, suggesting that Bush and his ilk resemble these guys in anything but the most superficial sense. I just can't resist the temptation to needle him at any opportunity.

That said, he's out stumping at the moment for a federal law banning gay marriage. This is particularly surprising as for one, the republican party is always talking about states rights and complaining about the federal courts interfering in so called moral issues and anyway, they have already passed a law saying that states do not have to recognise marriages from other states unless they want to.

Nothing to do with the protection of marriage - all about getting out those Christian voters
redstar said:
Well at least we have not (yet ?) seen any Christian suicide bombers killing scores of people.

Nope, the folks who do that are called "Marines"

gearoidmm said:
I suppose it was a bit much, suggesting that Bush and his ilk resemble these guys in anything but the most superficial sense. I just can't resist the temptation to needle him at any opportunity.

That said, he's out stumping at the moment for a federal law banning gay marriage. This is particularly surprising as for one, the republican party is always talking about states rights and complaining about the federal courts interfering in so called moral issues and anyway, they have already passed a law saying that states do not have to recognise marriages from other states unless they want to.

Nothing to do with the protection of marriage - all about getting out those Christian voters
Looks like the US Senate doesn't agree with Mr. Bush. Have a look here on the BBC for more.
redstar said:
Well at least we have not (yet ?) seen any Christian suicide bombers killing scores of people.

Iraqi Wedding Party Air Strike Justified Says Bush
President Bush defended the U.S. Military's decision to launch an air and ground strike on an Iraqi wedding party in western Iraq last week. Bush said the CIA obtained intelligence that indicated the wedding party was a front for "undesirables"

Bush backed up his claim that the attack was justified by pointing to a video of the wedding service that surfaced on the weekend. While showing the video to the media, Bush clearly pointed out evidence that indicated the couple getting married may have been gay, and therefore a "legitimate target".

Bush issued a stern warning, "We want this attack to serve as a warning to all State Legislatures as well as gay couples in the United States planning to get married.
I think its unfair to decribe America as hate filled. The Born Again/Evangelist Christian extremists don't make up the majority. Many Americans are liberal, tolerant and totally reject religious fundamentalism. The reality is that homophobic views and anti-abortion views come directly from the Catholic Church and other religions so in reality those Americans that are homophobic and have extreme views about abortion are just following the views put forward by the likes of the Pope but yet are labelled as extremists - Why? Its about time people started recognising that the Pope is an extremist and so is anybody else who follows the views of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church incites hatred as do other religions especially Muslims. Its politically incorrect to label Islam as extremist. Instead we are expected to say that only certain elements are extremist or that it reality its a religion of peace. But of course its not a religion of peace. It treats women like second class citizens, permits men to rape their wives, thinks stoning people for being gay is acceptable and fundamentally is opposed to western liberalism. The fact that so many people are prepared to kill themselves in the name of Islam and that mothers can be proud of their children for killing themselves and innocent people shows that Islam is a sick religion like nearly all other religions. Organised religions do more harm than good. Its a fact. Just look at the way the the Catholic Church destroyed Ireland for so long. Rant over.
There's america and there is the stuff not in america -- that seems to be their attitude. Land of the free my ......
Hurrah! Another random America-bashing thread on AAM - oh what fun!

In other news the anti-Americans' favourite beheader and murderer is no more. No doubt someone here will claim the Americans violated his human rights. :rolleyes: