There's plenty of work in the country

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Wasn't the next day but my mother was offered work in the health service when she took early retirement. She didn't do it but some of her colleagues did. Didn't the same happen with teachers?
Anecdotally yes, but shure wouldn't the world have collapsed without their expertise?
Wasn't the next day but my mother was offered work in the health service when she took early retirement. She didn't do it but some of her colleagues did. Didn't the same happen with teachers?

Did she "retire to avail of the enhanced lump-sums"?
A relative of my wife was a consultant in a public hospital until last year. He took early retirement in order to protect his lump sum payment. As part of the retirement discussions with the hospital he was asked to continue working in the hospital in retirement, with his only demand being to never have to do on-call duty again. Three weeks after he "retired" he was back in surgery. Most of his colleagues that were of the same age, i.e. close to retirement, did exactly the same thing.

Where did this happen? Definitely not in the Civil Service.
Which hospital was this, Chris? And is he working on public patients since his retirement?
Wasn't the next day but my mother was offered work in the health service when she took early retirement. She didn't do it but some of her colleagues did. Didn't the same happen with teachers?

Happened in the private sector too, I know someone who got 2 packages out of one of the banks and still ended up working for them a 3rd time
Which hospital was this, Chris? And is he working on public patients since his retirement?

One of the large Dublin hospitals. He only ever saw public patients in his entire career, never double jobbed on publicly paid time, which according to him is an extremely rare thing to come by.
I thought it was a valid question.
If you name the hospital it wouldn't take much for some people to figure out who the relative is and as he isn't a participant in this discussion it hardly seems fair to expose him.
If you name the hospital it wouldn't take much for some people to figure out who the relative is and as he isn't a participant in this discussion it hardly seems fair to expose him.
One of the joys of working in the public sector is that all your business is done in the public domain. Every single expense payment and category for many public bodies is available in the public domain.

In this particular case, I've no interest in exposing any particular individual. If Chris does identify the hospital, I'll write to the Chairman asking if any surgeons have retired and been rehired. If I don't get the information, I'll submit an FOI request. If Chris's story doesn't hold up, I know he'll be honourable enough to cover the cost of the FOI request.
A report on RTE radio news this morning said that according to the American Chamber of Commerce, there are approx 2,000 vacant jobs in american companies in Ireland. These are mainly skilled jobs in the Science and Technology area and the companies are having difficulty filling them.
To what end though? what will it achieve? I wouldn't assume anything about any anonymous poster btw.

I'm in one such company. Expension plans are being stalled due to difficulties getting suitably qualified candidates. For one role I interviewed for, in 2 months of advertising, we had 5 applicants!
If you name the hospital it wouldn't take much for some people to figure out who the relative is and as he isn't a participant in this discussion it hardly seems fair to expose him.

Neither is it fair to make claims about the public service using vague terms such as 'a hospital'. There are enough false rumours going around about us.

For reasons that MrMan outlined, I am not willing to expose the person in question. What I would add though, is that numerous colleagues of my wife's relative have done the exact same thing across a range of 3 Dublin hospitals and one Cork hospital. Feel free to contact the Dublin hospitals, but I really do not see to what avail.
Please name one specific hospital where this has happened.
Neither is it fair to make claims about the public service using vague terms such as 'a hospital'. There are enough false rumours going around about us.

So shall we 'out' this person? Being defensive about every possible chink in public service activities does not make for a productive outlook. There are problems with how the public service is run, but that has to be expected for an operation of that size.
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