there will be blood...v dissappointed.


Registered User
Went to see it and thought it was v poor.
whats all the fuss about???
D D Lewis excellent but story v v strange,
i've seen several better films that hav'nt got
5 star ratings which this film is getting in every review i see.
Haven't seen it was going to go, but saw No country for old men, very violent and O.K. Both these films won oscars, both have macho violent men in them. Not rally my taste. Have you seen ONCE? good story and great music by Glen Hansard, (the frames) he won an oscar for the song in the film Falling slowly, Its all filmed arounsd Dublin...The hoover shop where his Dad works (in the film) has become a tourist haunt, also the music shop in Georges street. Anyway, get it out on DVD...NOT A DROP OF BLOOD OR RAGE IN IT ANYWHERE....
D D Lewis excellent but story v v strange,

Why did you find the story so strange? It was a fairly conventional but fascinating plot with two very good performances from Day-Lewis and Paul Dano (as the preacher).

The story in No Country For Old Men was strange.
I have to agree with the OP.

TWBB did have 2 fantastic performances, but it was very very slow. And about 30mins too long. I can't see myself ever watching it again.

NCFOM was better imho. But I was disappointed by the ending and again it didn't live up to the hype.

The answer? Don't believe the hype.

I watched American Gangster last night - far far better film than the other 2.
I agree, I found the story line strange in many ways, the opening sequences were fascinating ... the descent into alcoholism/insanity seemed to happen all of a sudden and the relationship between the preacher/DDL just wasn't clear...

Certainly when the preacher turns up again towards the end of the movie, the last scenes just didn't make sense in the context of the whole plot.

Think the book might be well worth reading though.