Them nippers are growing up too fast



Hi folks,
I was going past a bunch of young ones (aged between 10 and 13) at the end of my road all dolled up made up and looking like GOD KNOWS WHAT.

So I said to Mrs. SLF looks like they could easily get a job in the make up dept of the circus.

Does anybody else feel that kids are growing up way too fast...

Like many (males in particular) of their generation my father and father in law, of necessity, both started working full time around the age of 13/14. In those days the transition from child to adult didn't seem to pass through what we now call the teenage years. I'm sure that the older generations of the time bemoaned the precocity of the younger generation too. Plus ca change...
A certain Greek philosopher (469 - 399 BC) who won't remain nameless for long, once said, "Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tryannise their teachers". ........ plus c'est la meme chose!
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"Few parents nowadays pay any regard to what their children say to them. The old-fashioned respect for the young is fast dying out."

-- Oscar Wilde

i agree completely, the way kids dress like early twenty year olds! the new craze that i have heard or recently is that the teeny boppers are going to the underaged discos without any underwear on!!!!! *shock*
and the worse thing about this is they actuallly wrap thier underwear around thier wrists so the boys know they are free in every sense of the word!!!!!! a complete disgrace!!

i myself am in my mid twenties and i look at some 'young ones' and feel they are more done up than me at times! it wont even be mentioned about fake tan for confirmations etc! there were other threads on this!


Are you serious? What sort of age group are you talking about?
well i heard it thru a friend mother and her daughter was only 14!!! i mentioned it at a party one nite just having a chat and i was shocked to hear that the majority of the people had heard of this new 'craze'.

a man at work has a ten year old son who 'frenchied' a girl last week! its crazy!
at ten i was gutted i was too old for polly pockets!! let alone anything else!!!

to be honest the complete disco thing made me almost sick!!! they run straight into the bathrooms or down the side of the hall or wherever and take them off! my friends mom only found out by chance because her 14 year old daught forgot something and ran up the stairs and the mother saw for herself! needless to say she certainly was not allowed to go out!
a man at work has a ten year old son who 'frenchied' a girl last week! its crazy!
Frenchied!! God I haven't heard that said in years! We used to play Frenchy Go Henchy instead of kiss chasing it was hilarious! we were 13/14 though! he he he Blossy you brought a giggle to me this evening!
Because they look like clowns??

That was my thought process.

I didn't know young girls are a bit wild but I never suspected that they would be going to those extremes.

I recall that Bondi Beach in Stillorgan had a bit of a reputation for wildness with young kids both inside and outside
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Isn't it Bondi Beach Club? You really have to stay with it, S.L.F.

I did try to get in but the bouncers kept asking who was it I was collecting.

Maybe I should try to develop some black heads and spots.


Are you serious? What sort of age group are you talking about?

well i heard it thru a friend mother and her daughter was only 14!!!
Now that's what I call authoritative!

Are you serious? What sort of age group are you talking about?
Yes - and if they're over the age of consent please post the address of this disco so that I can check it out for research purposes.
a man at work has a ten year old son who 'frenchied' a girl last week! its crazy!
at ten i was gutted i was too old for polly pockets!! let alone anything else!!!
Sorry - I'm not hip with the jive lingo these days. Is "polly pockets" a euphemism for something rude or pleasurable?
Now that's what I call authoritative!
No need for the sarcasm. It's a common occurence unfortunately. My friend dropped his daughter at a youth disco but on the way home realised she had left her mobile in the car so turned around to give it to her. When he arrived back, he found her with a bunch of friends near the disco removing their knickers before they went into the disco.
She was 14 too as I recall....

Now not meaning to insinuate that your friend is not a good parent or anything and perhaps the peer pressure that 14 year olds are exposed to is stronger than parental authority........but - surely if you have a good relationship with your child and are able to talk to her about sexuality etc...a well balanced kid wouldnt be taking her knickers off to be part of the 'gang' at the youth disco? Or am I just totally missing the point? In my day it was fear of reprisals that kept me behaving not openess in the family home about sexuality - then again I cant remember much about discos at that age - perhaps because the only ones I was allowed to go to were the school discos and they were overrun with teachers.

Are there no adults supervising these discos, if so does the adult not notice that young girls have their knickers tied round their wrist?