The Wezz


Registered User
Hi - anyone know how to get tickets for The Wezz. I believe its the old Wesley Disco. Not for me but for an offspring.....


Good Lord, surely you know that that "event" is the basis for sensationalist Sunday paper articles about the lose morals and sexual high jinks of young southside teens.

I wont get graphic but, moy jaysus, its graphic !!

If you have a son then it could be time for the talk about protection & if you've a girl then you may want to reconsider.

But maybe the papers are OTT

I'm not happy about it, but all my lot have gone through this ritual so far and this the last one (son), hard to justify saying no. Some have gone back a few times others went once and didn't like it.

I drop off and pick up and I don't read the Sunday rags.

Sure as long as you know.

Twas the Sindo which specialises in those stories & I agree its a rag (I'm a Tribune reader), but I think they have a more exaulted view of themselves.
I sat in a taxi the other day and the driver told me some stories about kids on their way to that thing. Also have a mate who used to play rugby there. As Betsy said, it is graphic....

Maybe this kind of thing went on when I was a 14/15 but i certainly knew nothing about it - afraid to talk to girl never mind any of the stories. The mind boggles...