The Village, Eco Development Tipperary


Registered User
Hey All,

I was wondering if anyone had any info on the above development. I have had a look at the website ( and I have emailed them and await info from them directly. But I thought maybe someone has had direct contact with this or other eco friendly type developments may want to share their wisdom!


I know a couple who have bought a house in this development and moved in recently. Seems like an excellent initiative.
No one has moved into this development as it is only now starting to be built several years late. Many of the original “eco” families involved are now settled in old style bricks and mortar houses around the town. Several of them bought houses around the town before the plan was announced and have now made a fortune from other eco families moving into the area and renting from them. Apparently some of these landlords are no longer even planning on moving to the village. This has caused some splits in the original community.
They have also dropped much of the social housing aspect of the plans and are dropping lots of the community facilities aswell. This combined with the massive size of some of the houses planned seriously undermines the original intention of the plan.

If it works to plan it will be great but it is many years late, way over budget and no longer has many of the social and environmental aspects that were planned. The original investors are still into it but don’t want to put in more money and so are charging a high price for new sites compared to surrounding estates.
Thanks for that guys!

I did email them a couple of weeks ago and got an initial reply from a guy who said he was forwarding my email to someone who would send me info but I have heard nothing since! Sounds like the idea has gone a little pear shaped though there was an article in the Times in June which said that ground was finally broken after trouble with some archaelolgical finds. The website is out of date with the last newsletter from 2004! I will keep an eye it all sounds so good on the website!