The treatment of Lucinda Creighton

Excuse my ignorance (and I hope this is not a rude question as Lucinda has a lot going for her), what is cojones?
Suffice to say that she is a spunky lady. Hey oldtimer, you can't be that old! Try GOOGLING it.

To some extent that raises another related issue, thinking of Rabitte in particular. Since he stepped down as leader, there's been a change in Pat, he's actually become pretty sensible and reasonable. I hear him now and wonder why he couldn't speak like that when he was leader.

It does seem that party line politics (well a party has to have an ethos) and commitment to the hardcore seems to hamstring the party leaders, yet when they're freed from that ball and chain, you see why they're good politicians in the first place.*

*obvious caveats are this doesn't apply to ex-FF leaders.

Wasn't the same said of Michael Noonan when he became leader of Fine Gael?
It will be interesting to see how he performs as finance spokesman.

Wasn't the same said of Michael Noonan when he became leader of Fine Gael?
It will be interesting to see how he performs as finance spokesman.
I can't say that I've noticed that big a different in Rabbitte, but maybe that's just me. I always felt that Rabbitte (and Noonan, and McDowell, and Cowen) are not natural leaders. They are the rottweilers that the natural leader should have as the no.2, ready to go out to battle on every issue. But they aren't leaders - they didn't bring people with them.

+1 Complainer. All 4 were badly chosen to lead their parties when the party mistook public profile and almost war-like tendencies for leadership.
To continue your canine theme. A leader should be like a loyal labrador; trustworthy, honest and appealing to the public. But the lab needs a rottweiler ready to growl and bite when needed.
+To continue your canine theme. A leader should be like a loyal labrador; trustworthy, honest and appealing to the public.

I would argue that they simply need to appeal to the public a la Bertie....

It's why Labour are doing so well compared to FG and FF. Gilmore simply has it worked out with the public. I have my doubts about him as Taoiseach (as I do with Kenny) but he is a brilliant politician.
Just googled it. I understand what it means now. She certainly has that alright
Now, remove her photo that you have as a screensaver, act sensibly, get on with your life and try to get out a bit more
It's always the cute hoors (of all parties) that get the top job. In the amphitheatre wings of political life they wait as the gladiators go ape and blow their chances. Stand back, say very little of consequence, walk the tightrope, be Machiavellian whenever possible and tell people what they want to hear - but no more. It also helps to have (undiagnosed) psychopathical tendencies. Unfortunately, this is the way of the world
I think that FG bottling it getting rid of Kenny was an error big time.

Gilmores inability to express an openion on the Croke Park deal is telling.

Bring back Michael McDowell - all is forgiven.
Gilmores knowing when to keep his mouth shut on the Croke Park deal is telling.
Fixed that for ya.
Bring back Michael McDowell - all is forgiven.
Be careful what you wish for! [broken link removed]

For some reason, this thread came to mind when I read this definition of Irish politics from Stephen Kinsella's "Ireland in 2050" book (worth reading);

The trend in global politics is towards carefully crafted political blandness coupled with fast approaching - and often completely unpredictable -outbursts of oddness, panic and scandal. Ireland's politics are no different.
If she wasn't up for the fight I doubt that she would have become embroiled in these issues. She will be around long after Enda retires to the Sunnyside Home For Gentlefolk. Providing mna na hEireann can shelve away their prejudices and keep backing one of their own.

I would agree with you on all of the above except for Tuffy. I think she's second rate. I saw her in the dail one evening and she had Rabbite and Stagg either side of her prompting her on what to say. I think it was on the day of the budget. She may have been ill-prepared but I was a bit surprised at her very poor performance.
I tried to find her her budget day speech but obviously no one from the labour party would post that.

I found a speech on this webpage. Very poor for a rehearsed speech. I would have expected alot better for a career politician who has been around for so long. I know public speaking/media skills isn't necessarily a must have for politicians but it's what separates the ordinary from the exceptional