The Third Born were singled out....but how many members of the Dail are the 3rd child


The Third Born were singled out....but how many members of the Dail are the 3rd child? (not many I would hazard!)

The Third Born Personality: Overly Cautious, Need Help Overcoming fears

Empathy For Victims
The third born feels compassion for victims. He pays more attention to their needs than his own. He will give them what they need, go with them through difficult places and be their strength in their weakness. At times he laments that no one considers his needs.
Some characteristics of a third born child include:


  • strong-willed
  • even tempered
  • "take it or leave it" attitude
  • has trouble finding a place
  • fighter of injustice
  • secretive
  • does not openly share his thoughts or feelings
  • friends and peer groups are very important
  • can read people well
  • peacemakers
  • can see all sides of a situation
  • independent
  • inventive
  • unconventional
  • flexible
  • rebellious

What about last child syndrome, where they feel the whole world owes them a living.................
Re:What about last child syndrome, where they feel the whole world owes them a living...
Has that been Scientifically tested, because I think many third Borns will lead a less generous life style than thier siblings thanks in no small part to our Glorious and Illustrious leaders. Steps of soap box.

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My own view is that the 3rd child has to negotiate/battle their way around their older siblings so good life skills in that. Suppose you could be the pet as the youngest but, realistically, with 3 kids and especially if both parents are working, there wont be too much time for lavishing attention on the youngest.