The swine flu - whatever happened to it?

There were a number of deaths attributed to swine flu in this country (and many others), at least one of whom had NO underlying symptoms.

Of course and it was tragic for them and their families, but on the other hand we were exposed to scare mongering about the potential of this virus at an official level and so far it seems to have been wrong.
It's amazing the way the poor unfortunate meeja types get it in the neck for Harney Drumm & Co's mixed messages.

"19 Jul 2009 ... The HSE has said that it is "inevitable" that there will be some deaths from swine flu in Ireland in the future as the virus spreads. ..."

"27 Jul 2009 ... Public health experts have warned that deaths from swine flu in Ireland are inevitable, with up to 26000 swine flu sufferers facing ..."

"7 Aug 2009 ... A young Irish woman with serious underlying medical problems has become the first fatality from the swine flu virus in Ireland since cases ..."

RTÉ News: HSE moves to quell swine flu fears

"18 Aug 2009 ... RTÉ.ie News: Swine flu Second death from virus in Ireland. Swine flu. Second death from virus in Ireland. RTÉ.ie News: Kevin Kelleher Virus ..."

An amazing volte face by the HSE in the space of a month last year.

July - We're all going to die !!!
August - Calm down let ye and put this in perspective ...

Sources - RTE, Irish Times, Tony's Independent, BBC, available in detail on the link below.

Hopefully the remote diagnosing doctors were able to prescribe remotely and appropriately as well - antibiotics, antidepressants, tranquilisers and slimming tablets no doubt.
I find it slightly offensive that people are posting that we overreacted to the Swine Flu threat, justifying this by flippantly commenting they did not know anybody who contracted it. This anecdotal 'evidence' of overreaction means nothing. People died after contracting Swine Flu, usually people who had undrlying health problems. I myself was undertaking medical treatment and was glad to avail of the vaccine. My son contracted Swine Flu adn was debilitated by it for three weeks during which time he could not visit me in hospital which upset him greatly. Im for one, am glad that we 'overreacted' to this threat.
I heard today from a reliable source that there is one person who is now paralysed and in rehab as a result of contracting the swine flu.
I have an underlying condition & not once was I advised when attending hospital to take the jab. In yesterdays times...

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Maybe the Irish Govt. didn't overreact although there are loads of vaccines left over that they were looking to return but the global response says otherwise.
... In yesterdays times...
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Thanks, you beat me to it. It seems that some WHO advisers were paid by the drug companies for work in areas related to the "pandemic" and "... The industry made billions of euros during the height of the swine flu “crisis”, with the sale of antiviral drugs such as Roche’s Tamiflu and and GSK’s Relenza."

That seems to me to be a fair conclusion based on evidence in the Council of Europe report and an independent investigation "... also published yesterday by the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism".

I don't think anyone is saying swine flu didn't exist or should have been dismissde (although the medical evidence showed it was actually less dangerous than normal flu); we are saying the warnings were completely OTT.

What annoyed me most about the scare mongering were the number of professionals (doctors, etc.) who ridiculed anyone who questioned what the WHO were saying. For example, there was a thread on where a user who claims to be a doctor in Australia was very viciously attacking anyone who questioned how many people were going to die from swine flu. I saw similar nonsense on BBC news.

It seems many people - no matter how educated or intelligent - are completely gullible.

There will be another hyped up disease in 3 or 4 years and no doubt anyone who questions it will be called an idiot.
And if they don't take the next one seriously and it gets out of hand people like you will whinge about them not doing their jobs properly.
And if they don't take the next one seriously and it gets out of hand people like you will whinge about them not doing their jobs properly.

No, I just want them to do their job properly.

In the case of the swine flu, they should have listened to the experts who said swine flu is less dangerous than the normal flu.

And they shouldn't have people in decision making positions who also work for or are linked with the pharma companies who will benefit from their decisions.

No one is saying we shouldn't take health issues seriously. Not sure how you've come to the conclusion really.
You are twisting words to suit your arguments. I never said swine flu didn't exist. I never said it should have been 'dismissed' (as of inconsequence due to it was no more dangerous than normal flu (whatever that is!)?) quoting a social network 'doctor' as evidence of the medical profession's attitude to Swine Flu is hardly good enough to convince people that the pronmotion of Swine Flu vaccination was OTT. If anything, people who are influenced by on-line 'doctors' are the gullible ones! Saying that sick people who took the vaccine on the advice of the medical profession of this country are gullible and running scared is a bit much. By all means be annoyed by the 'scare-mongering' but at the end of the day, it probably saved lives. Understating a health threat certainly would not.

I think you're taking what we're saying personally and in fact are the one twisting our words.

No one has said people who were already sick shouldn't have taken the vaccine. So you can drop that right now.

I think it's clear everyone is talking about the amount of pressure placed on healthy people to worry about swine flu. For example, constant news bulletins about how dangerous it is, signs in every toilet warning about it, hand gels in shops and toilets and restaurants for people to disinfect their hands continuously, etc.

The reality is it was weaker than normal flu (and experts who said this were ridiculed) so it should have been treated as such, i.e. whatever normal precautions are taken for the flu every year.

Hardly any 'healthy' people died from swine flu so let's be real and not pretend the WHO etc. were being accurate.
The Irish Times had an article last Friday on a drug resistant mutation of the virus that is emerging! The only winners will be the drugs companies.

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I think you're taking what we're saying personally and in fact are the one twisting our words.

I certainly am not taking it personally and don't know how you could surmise this from my post!

No one has said people who were already sick shouldn't have taken the vaccine. So you can drop that right now.
...and neither did I so there is nothing to drop!

You've made your point, I've made mine; let's agree to differ!