The swine flu - whatever happened to it?


Registered User
I always take any of these scares with a massive pinch of salt, but the hype last year was amazing on this. I remember hearing how it was going to hit half the population, schools would be empty, factories struggling for staff.

Load of bunkum, eh?
Keep taking the salt, it'll protect you better against imaginary pandemics than the stuff the drug pedlars sell.

Was this "swine flu" thing launched by the same PR crowd that sold Blair and Bush the WMD nonsense?
[broken link removed]

when I googled "What happened to the swine flu" the article above was the first to popup.

"The severe Spanish Flu virus of 1918 initially retreated and then resurged killing nearly 40 million people.

In the spring there was a significant wave of illness, but in the following fall, the virus resurged and brought about an even more serious second wave of illness."

Load of bunkum, eh?
I blame ill informed lazy journalism.
I always assumed it was nonsense (anyone remember SARS? Avian Flu? CJD?) but sadly it seems I was in the minority. It never ceases to amaze me how gullbile humans are. It's actually reached the stage where I think we've evolved to be gullible so a small few can be in control and everyone else can be sheep...!

Agree totally. The 'authorities' are still wary of CJD. Would love to donate blood but as I am from the North then I'm told
Unfortunately, because of the risk of variant CJD you are unable to give blood
What a load of bunkum!
Could the mass vaccinations and awareness have anything to do with it? All those hand sanitizers all over the place?

Perhaps becuase of the publicity, people took precautions therefore the pandemic was stopped in its tracks.
Could the mass vaccinations and awareness have anything to do with it? All those hand sanitizers all over the place?

Perhaps becuase of the publicity, people took precautions therefore the pandemic was stopped in its tracks.

I don't think so. I think the WHO even admitted they were OTT about the risks. And isn't some head guy in the WHO being investigated because it turns out he is a major shareholder in the swine flu vaccine company or something like that?
... And isn't some head guy in the WHO being investigated because it turns out he is a major shareholder in the swine flu vaccine company or something like that?
Ah Lord save us no, imagine that now, and there was I thinking we had exclusive rights to bribery and corruption.
Could the mass vaccinations and awareness have anything to do with it? All those hand sanitizers all over the place?

Perhaps becuase of the publicity, people took precautions therefore the pandemic was stopped in its tracks.

Bit like that other famous "bug", the Y2K......did nothing happen because companies threw millions at the "problem" or was there never anything to worry about in the first place?
Further to the comment about the Y2K, can you remember that the makers of KY jelly brought out a new version for the millenium called Y2KY. they sold it on the basis that you could then get 4 digits in your date where previously you could only get two.
It's gone to the same place as the nuclear anihilation of earth, the ozone layer,Y2K Bug, global cooling, global warming and killer bees
It most certainly did have an impact - I don't know of a single family, including my own (and from both work and volunteer work I have a large contact list!) who didn't have at least one member come down with it.

That said everyone of them (thankfully) recovered fairly quickly.
Bit like that other famous "bug", the Y2K......did nothing happen because companies threw millions at the "problem" or was there never anything to worry about in the first place?

Flu mutates every year, so the jumping from avian to swine flu to human transmission is a concern. The original swine flu outbreak was lethal in Mexico.

The Y2K, well yeah, point taken.
Complete over-reaction I reckon, I only met one person that had it and to be honest it seemed just like standard flu. Refused the vaccine for both my kids and glad I did so.
It never ceases to amaze me how gullbile humans are. It's actually reached the stage where I think we've evolved to be gullible so a small few can be in control and everyone else can be sheep...!

I think you're right!
It most certainly did have an impact - I don't know of a single family, including my own (and from both work and volunteer work I have a large contact list!) who didn't have at least one member come down with it.

I do not know of 1 person who contracted Swine flu, no one in my large immediate or extended family, none of my friends or any of their family, or any work colleagues ( 2 OF 130 staff were sent home with suspected swine flu , and were back in work days later fit and well)
I also have contact with a very large amount of people and not one bad flu case let alone Swine flu.

I'm just waiting or next years big epidemic to be announced!!! No doubt it will also serve to distract a large portion of the population from the real issues as the Bird / Swine flu hype did!

A possible suggestion would be Motor Flu, that you could catch from driving your car................... it would suit the Green Party after all

As my Dad used to say " You can fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time"

I don't know anyone directly who contracted it, but then I don't know anyone who had the regular variant of the flu last winter either. Maybe it was the incessant cold keeping everyone home over Christmas and NY when a lot of people would have been out more mixing with people.

No - I dont know anyone who came down with it either. I do know 2 people who PHONED their doctors and were diagnosed over the phone as 'swine flu' but both of them were fine in a few days - so it could have been anything from a cold to normal flu to swine flu - an over the phone diagnosis is hardly infallible.
There were a number of deaths attributed to swine flu in this country (and many others), at least one of whom had NO underlying symptoms.