The sheriff is coming and what can he take

james j

Registered User
To cut a long story short my wifes business failed (sole trader)and a spanish supplier we owed money to 19550 received a judgement of 30000 against her.Today we recieved letter giving us 4 days or else they will be out.We have very little only 3 kids and debts.can they take our tvs we have 2 .,our family laptop or the rings off her fingers our life savings 600 euro in press (very sad but true) our stove where does it stop and start .Where is personal insolvency
when needed.We were receiving social welfare up to 6 months ago but i got job and am working for same as i would get on dole (more fool me)but it keeps me busy and sane .
James j
Relax, they will take nothing from a family home. The sheriff is only interested in high value items that can be sold quickly for cash. So he will not be interested in old TVs or laptops. If you had a Ferrari parked outside or a Rembrandt on the wall it would be a different matter.

Relax, the sheriff will just record that there was nothing to take and go away.
Thanks time

Thats a relief i had the sherriff to our business before it cost 4000 even though he never took anything (we paid him some of what was owed) he told me at the then that they would only go to mansions so i was surprised to recieve letter at all. i prsume the next step for company is to register judgement against mortgage.
Yep, sheriff then Judgement Mortgage. They are just going through the motions.
Hi James

This is for a debt owing by your wife?

The sheriff certainly can't take any assets owned by you.

Your wife should be looking at going for a Personal Insolvency Arrangement or, possibly, bankruptcy. The Spanish creditor may be able to veto a PIA.

You should post the details in a new thread in a Case Study format.
Time I have had judgement put on me already by bank without going through the sheriff first . I suppose the bank probably knew there was very little to take and it would be kind of ironic to clear a family home over unpaid overdraft .
would it be better to ring sheriff first?
Brendan we should have went to England or Wales 2 years ago but anyway we are waiting for pip or to be made bankrupt I suppose a small bit of pride has me trying to keep family home and not have it said that we lost everything again sad but true and I will look at starting new thread
No harm ringing him just to tell him he is wasting his time and fuel by coming out.