The school tv programme on RTE,how do you rate it?


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Having just watched The School on Rte tonight,I have to say I thought it was brilliant.

Its so interesting to get a look at what "really" happens .

The guy ,Adam who sang at the end ( who had been suspended) was such a great kid.My god the guy can sing!! Hes brilliant ,bless him.

And the kids who did the Leaving cert applied ,were fantastic to stick it out and complete the course.

It also showed a school with a mixture of different kids of different nationalitys /personalitys and varying backgrouds and ambitions,all in the same class with the same teacher and they all seemed to mix very well.
I agree with the above - I think it is an excellent programme. I'm currently doing the HDip and think it should become prerequisite viewing for the course. I returned to College as a mature student and am amazed at the different attitudes and approaches in schools today. I think there is a lot more communication today between the teachers and the students. I like how the teachers talk to the students and exlain clearly why behaviour is unacceptable. In school (in the early nineties) I was once told to get out of the room by the Religion Teacher because I asked why we couldn't learn a bit about other religions besides Catholism - that same teacher refused to look at me or allow me to speak in that class for the rest of that year!!
Back in the 70's in the Mercy Convent we had "religion class" every day and the cathecism (?) had to be learnt off "by heart".

Remember "failing my Religion" exam one year and had to say special prayers for my soul redemption or something to that effect.

No wonder we're such a confused nation.
Thought the programme was very good. A few of the same young guys kept coming under notice of the teachers from time to time, if any of them had been my son I would'nt have liked the whole nation seeing them misbehaving!
My daughter teaches in that school and has nothing but the highest regard for the Principal and Deputies. She said the school is extremely well run and the disadvantaged students are given that little bit extra consideration which goes a long way.

When I was working in one of the VEC schools, I also noticed how well it was run and the attention given to the underprivilaged without taking away from the privilaged.

I thought the documentary depicted a typical second level school in Ireland.

Thedaras, I thought Adam was fantastic. I would love to have the opportunity to see him in concert and appreciate his voice to it's best.