The Reform Alliance's economic policies

Brendan Burgess

I think it would be very useful to have a party challenging the left wing consensus. But I am worried that the Reform Alliance is not it.

It's very hard to figure out where they stand, but I have pieced bits of it together.

From the RebootIreland [broken link removed]

Building An Economy for Entrepreneurs Across The Social, Private and Public Sectors
Building a new economy that supports entrepreneurs, employees and consumers of small businesses.

That sounds good but is a bit too vague

From an interview in

Lucinda promises her new party will scrap the USC

That is just pure populism. The USC is often the only tax which lower and middle earners pay. It is also a tax which high earners find very difficult to avoid.


A very mixed bag there - it's not very free market to be encouraging the use of Irish products in catering. What would happen if our export clients adopted the same policy?

A 3rd level of tax for those earning over €100k. They should realise that we need the lower and middle earners to pay taxes comparable to the EU averages and not to raise the burden on higher earners even further.

Hobbs: New party aims to keep public-sector pay in check

It all sounds a bit half-baked and the sort of list that would be trotted out on the back of a beer mat. Very disappointing really.
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It all sounds a bit half-baked and the sort of list that would be trotted out on the back of a beer mat. Very disappointing really.

Agreed! So the solution to our deficit and public debt is to tax less? Wonderful.
Agreed! So the solution to our deficit and public debt is to tax less? Wonderful.
Yes, I would have hoped that they would suggest that we tax the same amount (but spread more equitably so that low and middle earners pay their fair share) and waste less.
Fintan O'Toole described Eddie's policies as follows. I think he has compiled them from comments made over the years and not just recent publications:

That seems a pretty good start to me.