The reason why would should respect the Law

disgraceful - i wonder what the animals rights groups would have to say about this behaviour (it is a documented fact that cruelty to animals in childhood can be an indicator of serious mental problems and anti social behaviour up to and including psychopathic tendencies later on).

Pity it wasnt swans, not only are they a protected species but an angry swan is not to be trifled with.
That's what's wrong with society today. No respect for the elderly.

When I was young if I made a complaint to my parents about mr and mrs so and so giving out to me they would automatically ask what I did to upset them.

I've heard a few stories like this of late about police in the UK. The Police force really must be hiring the dreggs of society if they think that this is an appropriate way to conduct themselves. Human rights in the UK appear to be on a slippery slope. That poor man was degraded and embarrassed unnessessarily.
I've heard a few stories like this of late about police in the UK. The Police force really must be hiring the dreggs of society if they think that this is an appropriate way to conduct themselves. Human rights in the UK appear to be on a slippery slope. That poor man was degraded and embarrassed unnessessarily.

Public administration as a whole in the UK seems to be on a slippery slope. Political correctness seems to have gone mad and barely a day goes by when another bizarre "political correctness v v individual rights v individual responsibilites" story crops up. People in Ireland quite rightly complain about our public service but I'm beginning to think that it could be a whole lot worse.
I was in a park about two months ago with my family near a lake when I saw, down nearer the shore, two young lads apparently skimming stones on the water. I wasnt taking too much notice as had my two children with me and was keeping my eye on them and we were a bit away from the shore. There were lots of other people about, men, women other children. After a while I noticed that the young guys were kind of pretending to be skimming stones but were aiming them at the ducks. They were being subtle about it at first but started becoming more obvious. First of all I wasn't sure they were doing it, then I thought someone else will stop them. There were lots more people nearer and unaccompanied with children as I was. Finally I felt no one else was going to intervene so I went down to them and yelled at them to stop. I asked them for their names and told them I was going to tell their parents/school/guards. They were only young kids and were shocked and frightened. I thought one of them was going to cry. I told them what they were doing was terrible and I was ashamed to see someone doing that to helpless birds. Then when I thought I had frightened them enough I told them I'd give them one chance but if I ever saw them do anything like that again I'd be straight on to their parents etc. They scarpered and the whole park had been watching and no one met my eyes. I hated doing it in front of my own very young children and I hated being made to do it cause no one else would. But, hey, maybe I should be grateful I wasnt arrested!
Vanilla...fair play..I would have done the same thing and wouldn't have given a toss what other people thought...........I'm sure you explained to your kids why you had to yell and they think you a hero as a result!
Well done Vanilla. I'm not so sure about the witnesses though - if nobody was about you could have done the same as one Garda L Brannigan RIP.
Well done Vanilla, If everybody spoke up when they saw something wrong then the world would be a much better place.

We can all start with looking on our own doorstep/neighbourhood.

Sometimes I think that parents do not correct their children anymore. They're not doing their kids any favours even though they think they might be.
Well done Vanilla - you did the right thing even though it was a hard thing. It was brave of YOU to be the one to stand up and speak up.
Fair play, Vanilla. It's great to see someone standing up for what's right. We do indeed have to start somewhere, before we allow political correctness, lack of personal responsibility, and fear to ruin our society.
I'd say fair play as well but I'm afraid Vanilla will get a big head :p
.. oh, well ok; well done Vanilla.
Even though you did the right thing, I sense by your story that they were reasonably young, when your dealing with teens I don't think anyone would bother getting involved.
You could be right, don't know what I would have done if they were older. I'd guess early teens though I didnt know that until I got closer. I'd also guess they had some kind of a 'good' background ( by which I mean their parents HAD taught them right from wrong etc) because of their reaction when challenged. It could have been two young guys who didnt give a damn and the reaction would have been different. I don't deserve praise for what I did which is what anyone should do, but the other people there do deserve our contempt for not acting.
I wasn't there to witness it, of course, but can you/we be reasonably certain that the ducks themselves were blameless in all of this, Vanilla?
I've occasionally been quacked at in quite a menacing fashion...

Sensitive man! Somebody should tell the ducks. Recently as I was arranging all mine in a row, I swear I heard just a little quack.