The REAL reason for the Gulf War - Sky1 tonight at 10pm


Registered User
Looks like an interesting program on at 10pm about why the yanks started the war because the Iraqi's (and others as I recall like the Russians..) start to sell oil in Euros and this could undermine the US$.

Should be interesting.

Yeah - cos SKY One are renowned for their hard-hitting investigative journalism. Or maybe this is something they got from another station within the News International stable ? Like FOX News ?

No offence Roy - don't give me the stare - but SKY One ? Please ?
TarfHead said:
Yeah - cos SKY One are renowned for their hard-hitting investigative journalism. Or maybe this is something they got from another station within the News International stable ? Like FOX News ?

FOX News would not be known for an anti US administration bias, in fact they are quite pro the US administration.
dam099 said:
FOX News would not be known for an anti US administration bias, in fact they are quite pro the US administration.

I suspect the mention of FOx was sarcasm...
Channel 4 and More4 are doing a much better series on the Iraq war this week as well..
TarfHead said:
Yeah - cos SKY One are renowned for their hard-hitting investigative journalism. Or maybe this is something they got from another station within the News International stable ? Like FOX News ?

No offence Roy - don't give me the stare - but SKY One ? Please ?

Hi Tarf, obviously I hadn't seen the program at the time of posting but having watched it I would have to say as conspiracy theories go I thought it was quite convincing. Suppose the key point was that the exact same situation appears to be on the horizon with Iran proposing to go the same route in 206 and lo and behold THEY are now being touted as the route of all evil!

Tarfhead: I know it’s easy to slag off Sky as a low rent channel but seriously speaking when they put on something good it is good. I don’t know if you watched ‘Escaping Execution’ on Sky last week. A harrowing fact-based drama on people who escaped death row in the States, with excellent acting from Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, Aidan Quinn, etc. It was difficult to watch and it went out on prime time. There was also an excellent programme this week air traffic control problems in the UK. And let’s face it, it’s the only channel that shows Star Trek and Futurama.
I saw it and was amazed that Sky, Fox, Mudoch, Republican America etc. would broadcast such a show. It was well informed (although dumbed down a bit), the oikish presenter - read young man with trendy haircut not wearing a suit, completely gobsmacked both my wife and I as we expected a wishy washy party political broadcast and we got a good programme, well presented, solidly based and may I say (with something stuck in my throat) Well Done SKY!!!!
quarterfloun said:
I saw it and was amazed that Sky, Fox, Mudoch, Republican America etc. would broadcast such a show. It was well informed (although dumbed down a bit), the oikish presenter - read young man with trendy haircut not wearing a suit, completely gobsmacked both my wife and I as we expected a wishy washy party political broadcast and we got a good programme, well presented, solidly based and may I say (with something stuck in my throat) Well Done SKY!!!!

So .. what was the REAL reason ?