The Ranch, Inchicore

Thanks guys,
Loads of responses there, took a drive out there at the weekend, maybe just bad luck but I think I came across probably the worst residents of the Ranch - got threatened and followed. The houses are good, but I'll have to think twice. In defence of Inchicore in general - it was very nice and pleasant and I definately wouldn't rule that out at all, but I'm not sure I'd like to deal with those guys in the ranch on a daily basis - probably just bad luck, thanks again everyone.
Do you mind if I ask you what street on the Ranch that happened on? I would find that really worrying if I was threatened and followed by someone. Like I said I live there and have never even has a cross word said to me and would be interested in knowing where it happened.
Hi - don't know if you are still looking to move to this area, I lived in the Ranch about 5 years ago ... so hopefully for you (if you have proceeded to buy there - its changed) ... I loved the house - real character and my immediate neighbours were lovely - but the kids that hang around are little knackers. My husbands van was broken into twice, and my front door was set on fire !! (Apparently the kids thought they would burn the bell push for the door bell ... but it spread to the door frame ... don't want to over dramatise it or anything ...!!!!) And as far as the pub is concerned ..... jaysus. MANY a time we saw garda vans parked outside, the place was always getting raided. Needless to say our time there was short and not so sweet - though I made a killing on the sale, and bought a lovely house far far away from that dump.