The Ranch, Inchicore


Registered User
Any idea what this area is like - thinking of looking at a house there, have never lived in Inchicore before, would have a concern about safety - no point in having a palace of a house if you're afraid to walk to the shops!

I'd appreciate any info on the area in general in terms of safety, amenities and transport.

Much appreciated
A good friend of mine lives there are really likes it. It is a very old area, full of people who have lived in the area for years and possibly generations.
She has never seen any car theft and doe not feel unsafe waling to the bus stop on her own at night.
I think the bus service is quite good, but cant be too sure.
Actually, its in Ballyfermot and not Inchicore, but thats another story.
Hi I live in Inchicore currently and have never been the slightest bit afraid of going to the shops! Am sure there are some ruffians about but we are here 5 years with no problems at all. On our road there are loads of little old ladies &trust me they keep a sharp eye on stuff when we are at work, I think it is a great spot and very handy for town..
My only complaint is that the luas is quite slow so most times it is actually handier to get the bus or walk into town.
There is also a very nice enoteca after opening up near the black lion and that is packed most nights with young professionals..
The Ranch is miles from the LUAS. As huskerdu says, it's on the Ballyfermot side of the bridge on Sarsfield Road.

There's a grotty looking pub as you enter The Ranch which would worry me a bit.
Thanks guys,

talk about conflicting reports - it generally sounds great from you guys but I have seen one or two posts which really make it sound bad - so I'm just not sure yet.

Think I'll take a drive out there - I was warned about the pub at the entrance to the ranch, my main concerns would be that my car survives, that I/my girlfriend can happily walk to shops / bus / luas at night and that - in terms of a property investment, that the area is getting better and better.
Thanks for the advice and keep it coming!

I live in The Ranch. Bought there about 18 mnts ago and think it's a great area. We have never seen any trouble in Inchicore at all. While it is on the way towards Ballyfermot it is officially Inchicore. I know this because one of the businesses in it was calling their address Ballyfermot and were told by the revenue to stop using that address as it is officially Inchicore. The Ranch pre-dates Ballyfermot being built. But what’s in a name.

The Luas is not an option for the area, despite brochures regularly saying that it is. However there are 2 regular buses that pass it. There can be a bit of a dodgy crowd on the 78a but I’ve never seen anything that bad on it and I get the bus into town nearly every day. I don’t sit upstairs at night time, and like anywhere there are way more ordinary decent folk on the bus then there are druggies etc.

The area is really nice, neighbours are friendly. There is a park right beside it which is used by GAA teams and Tag rugby teams in summer. There can be some kids hanging around the shops and corners but nothing intimidating. Our house has increased in value by about 50% since purchase, granted we bought a doer-upper.

Parking is always fine. The streets are tight to drive down but we always find parking near the house and have never seen or heard of any trouble. Before buying the house I spoke to a woman in work who is from Ballyfermot and has family living in The Ranch and she could only speak highly of it. As for Inchicore village itself, it’s not pretty but there are already better facilities in it in the last 18 months. There’s a big EuroSpar, a new Italian restaurant, new pharmacy etc.

I would recommend the area. Most of the neighbours either have lived there all their lives or are young professional first time buyers.

If you’ve any more questions about the area, please ask and I’ll see if I can answer them.
As for the pub The Ruby Finnegans. It's not the type I would make my local, but I've never seen or heard trouble from it. Again people I know who know the area very well say it's a perfectly fine working class pub. There is nothing dodgy about it.
Thanks MoMo,

That's great - the area is definately sounding a good deal better now. I'm going to go out and have a look on saturday I think. Few quick questions - are there any shops that you can walk to for milk etc. - would you think it was safe for a girl (or bloke) to walk there at night on their own?

Both of us drive - what's the traffic situation like morning / evening times - both of us work on the south side-D4 area.

How far is Inchicore village from The Ranch - doesn't look far on the map but is it a)walkable and b)safe to do so?

Are there any "no-go" areas near by? (estates etc.)

Thanks for the advice

On Sarsfield Road, where the pub and bookies is there's a hairdressers and a corner shop. It's small but sells the basics including over priced wine. It's literally a 2 minute walk form the furthest part of the Ranch. Inchicore Village is a 5 maybe 7 minute walk and Ballyfermot village which has a big Tescos is about a 5 minute drive.

There is also a petrol station a few minutes walk towards Ballyfermot. Any time I've been there at night it's been busy but I'm not sure if I'd walk it alone when it's late. Parts of Ballyfermot are no-go areas but none that you'd need to go through if like me you'd mainly be travelling into town.

Inchicore has some flats that are a bit dodgy I've been told but frankly I've never even seen them before. I think they're down behind the Eurospar and I can't see any reason why I would need to be around there.

I jog around the village most evenings, and have to pass a few pubs which usually have a few people standing outside having a smoke. The odd time someone would say somwhting smart to me, but I think that would happen anywhere. And yes you have to pass by a few teenagers kicking a football about the place but apart from the odd sarcky comment (usually about how slow I'm running) it's always been uneventful.

As for the car issue. I don't drive into town mid week usually but traffic tends to be ok, or so it seems from the bus. If you go via Thomas Street traffic can be bad, as can the North quays into town. Although the South Quays coming out are usually fine. In fact the 79 which leaves town from beside O' Connell Bridge and goes down the quays via Heuston Station can take as little as 7 minutes to get to the Ranch in the evenings. Hard to believe but it's true.
As with any area, best way to check it out is to visit it, at different parts of the day. A friend once told me you should check out a prospective area at 5 in the morning to get a sense for what it's like. I've never followed that advice to that extreme but before we placed our final bid on this place we had popped round a fair few times to have a walk about the place.
Thanks again MoMo, we're going to check it out tomorrow I think - one last thing though - have you ever had any parties? Do, either, the neighbours complain, or would it attract the wrong people?
Thanks again - all this is really helpful, it's abig financial decision and one that I'm going to have to live with for the next 3-5years and with absolutely no knowledge of the area to date, any info I can get my hands on is always appreciated.
I would say also that the road from the Ranch to Inchicore (up under the bridge) is not the safest in the world, well I get that impression anyways.
SteelBlue05 said:
I would say also that the road from the Ranch to Inchicore (up under the bridge) is not the safest in the world, well I get that impression anyways.

Not sure why you get that impression. I walked up and down in twice today and passed about 2 people in total I think.

The bus stop along it would regularly have people from Cleary's pub waiting at it so sometimes there might be someone silly drunk there but I can't think of ever feeling intimidated or worried around there. I get the bus up that road nearly every day and have never seen anything happen on it at all.

I should point out that I'm a 28 year old girl and would be very aware of my surroundings and would get cautious easily if I saw or sensed any trouble and have never had reason to feel scared or intimidate around here in the whole time I've been living here.

I must sound like I run The Ranch Fan Club but really we've never
regretted our decision to buy here once, and considering how much house prices have jumped in the last year I doubt many others have either.

As for parties, while they are well built houses you will hear loud music from next door. That said our own neightbours have had a few parites and my attitude is that once it's at weekends and the noise doesn't go on until a stupid late hour then I'll turn a blind eye to the odd party. I guess it'd depend on your direct neighbours.
I agree about that road. Nobody walks down it which it makes it dangerous.

By the way, somebody was shot dead in Cleary's a couple of years back.
europhile said:
I agree about that road. Nobody walks down it which it makes it dangerous.

By the way, somebody was shot dead in Cleary's a couple of years back.

I was going to reply but Europhile has taken the words out of my mouth.

It just seems very isolated down that road. And its not like you are walking between Shrewsbury Rd and somewhere else, you walking down a dodgy looking road between Ballyfermot and Inchicore. Statistically speaking whats likely to happen eventually?
And the shooting was just one of 4 while I lived in Inchicore for 2 years.
This is true about the road being isolated and few people walking on it, but in the 18 months that I have walked on that road very regularly I've had no reason to rethink the decision. From where I live I'd have no way of walking to a decent shop without using that road and have never even considered not using it.

Yes someone was shot in Cleary's but that does not make the whole area a no go area by any means. Someone was once shot in an apt block in Rathmines I lived in, right outside my apt but it doesn't mean the area should be avoided.

I did a lot of research into the area before buying there and heard all the scare stories etc but from people I know who live on that road and across from it in the CIE works estate all of them convinced me that the place was a good bet over all.

It's no Dalkey but then you're not going to get a house in Dalkey for €225,000 for very good reason. Quite frankly Inchicore wouldn’t have been my first choice. If I could have afforded to pay more I’d have chosen an area closer to town but given that prices are somewhat reasonable the area is not as bad as some people make it out to be, in fact I’ve come to like it more then I thought I would.

There is also a 4 bed house further up from Cleary's, about 3 mins walk, on the market at the moment for €950,000. Now tell me someone would be looking for that if the area was all that bad. It's technically Kilmainham at that stage but only just. I completely see why people might be cautious about the area but nothing has convinced me that it's as bad as sometimes made out.

I suppose when buying a house you've 3 variables money, size and location and when money is tight location becomes less of a variable, for a quick commute to the city for people on somewhat of a budget it got and gets my thumbs up. But other people are going to have different experiences wherever the location.
Oh and to the OP good luck wherever you end up. Buying your first house is a stressful thing to do, and God knows we deliberated over location, type of property etc for long enough before making the big plunge.
Hi - I am going to jump in here in defense of Inchicore. I have been living in the CIE works part of Inch. for 5 years (as mentioned above) and have never had any trouble. Similar to the other poster I am also female and very aware of my surroundings when walking around. I have never thought twice about going out to buy a pint of milk just before eurospar closes at 10. There was a shooting in Clerys pub a while back but as far as I can tell the majority of shootings in Dublin happen out in blanchardstown/ Clonsilla courtesy of the westies..Dont think address is much protection - my sister lived in Ballsbridge for a while and there was a girl murdered 3 mins. walk from where she lived. She actually walked past the body one day on her way to work (creepy)
Our neighbours are friendly, decent people and there has never been a cross word between us.. Granted the village is no Dalkey or Malahide (!) but we bought to be close to town not for Inchicore Village. We just get a few things in spar and then go into the Italian the odd time. I know that road- to be honest it had never struck me as a problem but I would not often be down that area anyway..
Good luck with your decision MG01