The Positive Thread


Registered User
Hi all,
It's quite easy for us all to get caught up in the economic mess that the country is facing, so I thought a "good news" thread is called for. It can be anything that you think might bring a smile to someone.

As an aside, I see that Letting of Steam (sad) now has 4,204 threads with 106,318 posts compared to Shooting the Breeze (happy) which has 3,760 threads with only 47,592 posts. Perhaps, a mod could put the monthly totals for each in a table - might be interesting to see how the totals correlate to the state of the general economy.

Anyway, I'll start with a something my eldest said to me yesterday (she's 4). We have this thing now where, when I'm giving her a treat or a toy I'll say "close your eyes, put out your handy" and I give her the treat/toy. Anyway, putting her to bed last night, she needed to go to the bathroom first. When we were inside, all excitedly, she says "close your eyes, put out your handy". I opened my eyes and what had she given me?....her toilet seat! And there she was jumping up & down in front of me with the excitement of it!
Good news; Manufacturing output is up again this month in Ireland. That's 7 months in a row. We are the only Euro-zone state to report a positive output this month.
The services sector is also reporting positive output figures.
Photos taken in the past week of humpback whales off Baltimore & Hook Head have lifted my heart.
Nothing tangible, but the Spotify Heavy Metal Radio channel today has been making outstanding choices.

Well it made me happy.
Our 27 week baby is delighting us both at the moment with regular dancing and somersaults Surely this must be the second best feeling in the world? (assuming the best is when it arrives and dances for real in front of us!)
Our 27 week baby is delighting us both at the moment with regular dancing and somersaults Surely this must be the second best feeling in the world? (assuming the best is when it arrives and dances for real in front of us!)

Nothing comes close to enjoying your kids when they arrive and as they grow. Our 3 yr old is currently in the habit of coming into us in the mornings and asking "Mammy, Daddy, Whats the plan? (for the day)".
Repeats everything he hears us say!
Our 27 week baby is delighting us both at the moment with regular dancing and somersaults Surely this must be the second best feeling in the world? (assuming the best is when it arrives and dances for real in front of us!)

Surely the feeling of making the baby would be in there too
Nothing tangible, but the Spotify Heavy Metal Radio channel today has been making outstanding choices.

Well it made me happy.

I did not know Spotify did radio you need a sub? If not then you have just made me happy!

I did not know Spotify did radio you need a sub? If not then you have just made me happy!


think it's only premium membership, but they are doing 30 days free at the moment so you can try.

very much like the Pandora one where the more you 'like' and 'dislike' tracks the better it gets.
I helped save a kitten, and now it is the master of my house, but the wife is happy!
Just received a tin of Irish Rose. I know it cost only €6.00 but hours of munching chocolate ahead tonight Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just received a tin of Irish Rose. I know it cost only €6.00 but hours of munching chocolate ahead tonight Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Received or bought for yourself?????? I 'received' two boxes of after eights....went down a treat!
Do tell!

Its always an honour to be a servant for a cat.

A kitten was left at the door of my mother in laws house in the country; someone rang the bell and did a runner. Her dog didn't take kindly to the new arrival, so seeing as my wife treats animals better than humans (she actually put a destressed swan into her car boot and drove him to a vet!) we decided to give the kitten a home, temporarily, and now that has led to permenant residency.

Aw, lovely story. Failed fosterers - the best way to gain a new friend.
Came home last night to a letter from Revenue. "Great" I thought, but when I opened it, it contained a cheque for the over payment of income tax for last year. Won't be changing the car with it, but it'll take care of Christmas
Got my cheque too from the Revenue yesterday, actually opened it in the car while listening to the opening of the budget speech. The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh...