The Pope should resign

At no time have I made any reference that he is a supporter of abuse.

In fairness what you said was

So in your mind it remains satisfactory to have clergymen and women to abuse and sexually bugger innocent children and we should all be nice to these people.

I also am horrified by what went on and I'm sure MrMan is too, an entire generation of kids were sexually abused, treated like slaves and tortured by Christian Brothers and the guys in charge did worse than nothing they seek-ed to hide what went on which to me is worse.

Thousands of children had their lives ruined by them and nothing can make it right, the Catholic Church has done wondrous things in its life time, many millions of people have had their lives enriched by them, we as a nation have benefited from the education they gave.

If you are looking for someone to blame for this you should also be blaming our govt and past ministers and the policemen who brought kids back to them (they also knew what was going on but did nothing to stop it) after they ran away.

Even the courts were sending kids to them.

We as Irish people have plenty to be proud of but who we pick to rule our lives really make me sick to the stomach.

I hope you have a great new year and that our lives become better next year, I really hope that all those who helped torture a entire generation are brought to justice but I just don't see it happening.

Thanks to the Gods that I never had the misfortune to attend schools run by the Christian brothers or some other religious outfit.

I agree with S.L.F. that it is not enough to condemn the people that committed the acts but also those who enabled them. And he is very right that this went from government over law enforcement to the courts.

But the core is that up to now beside some forces resignations and a sweetheart compensation deal nothing really has happened that would address this in more than “it’s a dark period of our history, let’s move on”.

Our government is a master at that, the recent “we don’t need a banking investigation as it would undermine our recovery” is another sign that the clan that is in charge of this country is not learning.

But what can we do? Maybe someone with a lot of courage (and deep pockets) should try a citizen’s arrest of the criminals but I don’t think that our ruling clans will be nice to that person.

It is what it is a mess and maybe if we ignore it long enough it will go away. I don’t think that anything major is going to happen.
How about the great man himself and all his administrators worldwide, simultaneously kneeling down, confessing ALL and then begging forgiveness of their flock. A period of penitance, lets say 40 days, should follow this, in which time, all the trappings of wealth accrued by Rome should be sold and the proceeds given to those in need. This time could also be used to weed out those who seem not to be suited to their "calling". A simple vote among parishioners or the laiety could do this on the cheap. Contemplative and silent orders should have any government funding stopped. Mendicants can join the other unfortunates with their teacups - after all, it's legal now. And finally a total seperation of church and state.