The Pope should resign

Whatever about our choice of words, i would imagine he sees it as a blessing and not a job, so resignation is not on the cards.

how do you know how he sees it? anyway, there is such thing such as moral responsibility ...
In the name of God , could you all not leave the vitriolic expressions until after Christmas Day
If resignation is not on the cards then the Catholic Community worldwide should sack him, simple as that. It should not remain the job of a bunch of perverts to elect a boss for millions.

Its not a democracy it is religion, and as for your second sentence is it any wonder that little gets resolved in the world with attitudes like that.
how do you know how he sees it? anyway, there is such thing such as moral responsibility ...

I'm making a presumption that based on religious teachings one would find it an honour to have that position bestowed onto them. As for moral responsibility, maybe he sees it as a test from God who knows but very little is cut and dried.
I'm making a presumption that based on religious teachings one would find it an honour to have that position bestowed onto them. As for moral responsibility, maybe he sees it as a test from God who knows but very little is cut and dried.

maybe - and maybe all he's trying to do is damage limitation - if pope's function is that of a head of a religion, why have an independent state and why, when asking for a statement, common people were told - your government should talk to our diplomatic representatives?
i by no means believe vatican is about religion as in faith, it's all about politics, they just have the advantage of switching between "we are the representatives of god" and "we are diplomats" ...
as for your second sentence is it any wonder that little gets resolved in the world with attitudes like that.

So in your mind it remains satisfactory to have clergymen and women to abuse and sexually bugger innocent children and we should all be nice to these people. Please get real. They deserve nothing but contempt.

Little gets resolved as the Catholic Church have defended themselves with nothing but lies, lies and more lies. In a modern democracy, the Church would be run out of a country. Here they are given opportunity and they still do nothing. Their head has even refused to offer the Irish people an apology as a matter of honour.
In the name of God , could you all not leave the vitriolic expressions until after Christmas Day

Oh yes of course, because one of the victims of the orphanages was on TV recently, and said the only day each year that he wasn't buggered by the clergy was on Christmas Day!

You really do enjoy missing points and twisting words, are you capable of understanding english?
In a modern democracy, the Church would be run out of a country.

What kind of democracy are you talking about, one where you can worship as you please or one where you can only worship if it's ok with the state?
If resignation is not on the cards then the Catholic Community worldwide should sack him, simple as that. It should not remain the job of a bunch of perverts to elect a boss for millions.
Are they all perverts?
I read with disdain that the woman who jumped a barrier is to be hauled before a Vatican court...... that should by rights be a very busy court shouldnt it ??
Wonder how many vile paedophiles have been hauled in front of that judge recently, I guess less than 1.
I think Mr. Ratzinger does not really care about what is going on in Ireland and especially not what some people on this board might think of him or his (in)actions. So I think it’s clear that he won’t resign.

Never the less, let me continue to vent about these perverts that misused their position of authority to commit crimes, a long tradition in that fine organization.

Let’s face it, most people these days still believe in the teaching of Mr. Ratzinger’s cult.

In depended of how preposterous these teaching are to me or others they have the right to believe these teachings as much as Mr. Cruise has the right to believe in the teachings of Mr. L. Ron Hubbard.

Where it stops is when it becomes clear that criminal activities have been committed by members of that organization and every effort has been made by that organization to pervert the course of justice.

It’s very easy to me. The people who committed these crimes must be punished and anybody who helped him before or after the fact needs to be punished too. And it does not really matter if they resign from an obscure organization or not. They need to be arrested and punished accordingly, preferred in general prison population who I’m sure wills love child molesters.

I’m not advocating of closing down the catholic church in Ireland or to put every person who believes in these sort of teachings in the same pot, however as long as people employed by this organization are hindering the efforts of justice, actions need to be taken to ensure the co-operation of that organization.

But giving that we don’t investigate our banks because it could undermine the recovery of our economy, I don’t think that we are going to see a criminal investigation in this because it could undermine the moral recovery of our country.

Let’s instead lower the tax rate on alcohol so that we can all drink our sorrows away that worked in the past, so it might work this time again.
You really do enjoy missing points and twisting words, are you capable of understanding english?

Mr.Man are you in denial that these things actually happened ?? I am certainly not twisting words and I do understand English.

The facts are the facts and the church had previously done everything to pervert the course of justice. I knew somebody that was very high in the Church in the UK and to the day of his death he dismissed the stories of abuse as lies and trouble making. And I know others who are even higher in the Church who pronounced to me a number of years ago that Rome knew all along as to what was going on in the Irish Church. In fact the same person saw the files in Rome quite a few years ago way before the story hit the headlines. So with respect to you please do not make insinuations that I am twisting words.
What kind of democracy are you talking about, one where you can worship as you please or one where you can only worship if it's ok with the state?

It is all very fine asking this. But on current numbers and attitudes the Church have a hell of a job of rebuilding the moral ground, which is quite a pity as for all the bad that was done, there still are persons involved in the Church who undertake a lot of good work to an enormous sized congregation, especially in these difficult times.
It should not remain the job of a bunch of perverts to elect a boss for millions.

I'm sure you know all the various cardinals in the world get together and elect a Pope, are you saying all 100% are perverts.

So in your mind it remains satisfactory to have clergymen and women to abuse and sexually bugger innocent children and we should all be nice to these people. Please get real. They deserve nothing but contempt.

mercman can you link a post to where MrMan expressed satisfaction at buggery of children by priests or nuns because if he has I'd like to get stuck into him too.

On the basis of the information why didn't they simply do something about it. this has been going on for years with full knowledge known to the hierarchy.

In relation to Mr.Man, it was he that implied I was twisting words and missing points. At no time have I made any reference that he is a supporter of abuse.