The Pope should resign


Registered User
It's not often I agree with Sinead O Connor, but for the love of god the Pope really does need to resign, if not be thrown in jail. I thought I was used to the bare arrogance of the Vatican and its like, but the response of the Pope to the abuse report must plumb a new low.

To listen to Ratzinger "share" his outrage and betrayal at the report's findings is beyond belief. A moment's pause might help him recollect his role as "Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith", or Chief Mullah as I prefer it, where he spear-headed the suppression of abuse reports. It was his responsibility, by JP2's instruction, to investigate this abuse. His response was to obstruct justice and suppress the truth in a weasel attempt to protect the Vatican.

How this man can stand up and emit the words he did, much less as someone who epouses Christian values, is not just a point of outrage but surely something where justice needs to be served.
Pope John Paul II has also become one step closer to becoming a saint. More nonsense by the Catholic church. Can they make me an angel when I die?

The Catholic church should be foremost regarded as a business entity, because that's what it most closely resembles. The Pope is its CEO, and should be held to account.
And yet the numbers are increasing at mass. I cannot understand how people never stayed away from the church, even for a short while, in protest at the abuse of children etc and the coverups and the inaction or even to force the bishops to resign. The whole institution is rotten.

The RC Church is a continuation of the Roman Empire and should be seen in that context. It acts as if its word was law (in the secular sense) and has all the corruption of age old unquestioned power while failing to realise that time has left it behind.

What it needs to do now is to start, for the first time in nearly two thousand years, practicing what it preaches. Maybe a good starting point would be for the Pope to read the New Testament while pretending that Paul and Constantine hadn’t screwed the whole thing up.
Just my atheist view (since they aren’t going to admit that the whole thing is a sham).

I have said in another post that I think we should expel the Papal Nuncio and break off diplomatic relations with the Vatican since they instructed Irish citizens to hold its laws as paramount and therefore to ignore the law of this land, in this country, when dealing with criminal acts. The Vatican is now a hostile state and should be treated accordingly.

Whats your evidence for that?

I thought that we have been told for years that the numbers are falling off badly.

As for the old Pope, everyones favourite. Surely he was no better as he presided over an era of terrible sexual abuse too. There is no doubt at all that he knew it was all happening, yet no-one was handed over to the police.
Whats your evidence for that?

I thought that we have been told for years that the numbers are falling off badly.

They rose during the boom years mainly due to the influx of foreign workers especially the Polish.
They rose during the boom years mainly due to the influx of foreign workers especially the Polish.

they are going back now but i wouldn't really say they accounted for most of mass visitors, especially considering the fact that they had their own priests who came to preach in their own language ...
honestly, considering all the debates about the excessive baptism and confirmation celebration expenses in the recent years it's really difficult to say that the numbers are really going down THAT rapidly ...

Vatican is a like a senior home full of people with plenty of influence but less connection to reality ...

People are going to pray to God and not to the priests who have committed crimes.
Perhaps RCs should consider the practices of some reformed churches? - regularly elect elders from the congregation to govern, diffused model of service in church/meetings (no doctrinaire elite), a community of christians coming together to worship.

In other words, back to the fundamentals....
I don't think the Pope can resign, he is supposed to be Gods representative on Earth. He didn't sign up for the post, he was 'chosen'.
People are going to pray to God and not to the priests who have committed crimes.

Well that is not the view espoused by the Catholic Church.

AFAIK, Cathloic Church dogma dictates that God's word is passed to his flock through the Roman Catholic Church, passed down from the Pope to Cardinals to Archbishops etc etc.

We (the lay person) receive God's word from our Parish Priests.

If you pray at night are you not 'talking to God', people often don't respect or like priests but they do have faith.
Agree fully but unless you accept Catholic doctrine in full then you can't really consider yourself Catholic though.

I believe in This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Christ but I don't believe that the Roman Catholic Church has gone the way he would have wanted.

Unfortunately I don't have time to found my own religion.
Pope John Paul II was good on combatting Communism.

He was also very keen on silencing any form of social justice in Latin America. Instead of supporting the likes of the El Salvadorean bishop who was murdered, or those who espoused the rights of the poor, he supported looney right wing sects such as the Legionaries of Christ Beatifying him is to me a joke.

I knew that the church was moving around at least one paedophile in the mid 1980s. He had been given control of the 6th class in our school but finally had to leave in disgrace for other reasons. I confronted one of the priests in the school and they all knew about his activities. Not one of them did a thing. It rendered any moral teaching I received from them a joke. I left the Catholic Church in 1986 because of this issue and the right-wing leanings of the papacy.

What concerns me is the stranglehold the church has on boards of education in the school sector, and the influence they had in hospitals e.g. the Lourdes in Drogheda.

Surely now is the time to complete the separation of church and state, remove all clergy from positions of authority in education, the hospital sector etc.

The President's performance through all this furore has been less than impressive. Mary McAleese was a very conservative appointment to the position, given her 1980's referenda role and she is not in step with much of public opinion. She hasn't exactly been straining to criticise the hierarchy, which I guess she doesn't have to do. But, I wouldn't be alone in noting her strain of ultra-conservative northern Catholicism has not been helpful in getting the nation through the crisis.
If me or you interferred with/abused children, be it now or 30 years ago, and were duscivered, we would be arrested immediately and get a well deserved prison sentence for a very long time.

So can someone please explain why we aren't seeing loads of clergymen being arrested on the news and gets banged up??

This is baffling me at the minute.