There was an interesting point made by the Atheist Society today - who feel that none of its members could become President because to become President it is necessary to take the oath of office which starts with "In the presence of Almighty God,......" Their belief, which I accept, is that as they could not in conscience make such a declaration and as such a declaration is a requirement for becoming President, they are excluded from being President. They argue, making such a declaration, would be the moral equivalent of asking a fervent believer to take an oath which commences with "In the absence of any Almighty God,...."
Apparently, similar oaths are required in order to join the Judiciary and the Council of State. Presumably, at least some people who attained such high office were not believers but nonetheless decided to take an oath they did not believe in. If so - which is wrong, the person who made a false oath or the Constitution of a Republic which places people in such a position?