The next election


Registered User
I am going to vote for an alternative in the next election. I have argued quite often that I would vote for the current government because they have made a lesser balls of the place than the other crowd might have, but who am I kidding? Lately they don't seem to know what the hell they are doing. We have total short term policy. I won't even use the word 'planning' - that concept does not exist in Ireland. The place is run for the benefit of vested interests in the main. And fair enough, we have had a long period of boom, but surely to jaysus we should have much more to show for it! Does the government have a goal at all, or does it simply change direction, fish-like, whenever the going gets tough?

So I have decided it is best to give the others a try and see what they can do. I am also thinking of buying a place in Europe, just in case the other crowd do make a bags of things. Then I can cut and run to the sun soaked shores of Italy. Even though it’s not the best run country in the world – at least I’ll have the food and the weather!
What alternative will you vote for and how would their policies differ significantly from the incumbents'?

In relation to fleeing to Italy have you checked out what's going on over there in relation to politics recently?!
"What alternative will you vote for and how would their policies differ significantly from the incumbents'?"

as posted by Clubman, I feel a bit that way myself.
I think the ban on smoking in the workplace took huge commitment and courage, and should be rewarded.
Brian4B said:
as posted by Clubman, I feel a bit that way myself.
Just to clarify, I'm not necessarily saying that I think that there is no difference between the policies of different parties - I'm just posing a question.
I didn't want to pin my flag to any particular mast at this stage. What I am really saying is that I would be willing to give others (Fine Gael, Labour) a chance at the moment. Manifestos don't mean too much. But I would speak to the local politicians and see what they have to say.

As for the ban on smoking - hardly a reason to vote for a government now, is it? I do believe the government have taken some good decisions. But even after all their years in power they are still making massive mistakes that are costing us, and will cost us in the future.

And yes - I know Italy is not in the best shape - hence the food and sun comment ;) That would be some compensation at least.
I think labour and FG have too many differences to be a success and not worth "giving them a chance" we are talking about runing the country not the local under 12's football team.

look at the difference between labour on Europe, neutrality, taxation for starters