The more you fly-the more nervous you get


Registered User
Thought this was just me but a fair few people I talk to say the same so it seems I'm not alone.
Used to love the whole take off thing but now find myself getting slightly more nervous each time I fly.

Dont know if its because I'm reducing the odds of going down in flames or maybe the fact that flying with the cheap airlines now and again makes you wonder if they spend enough time and money on the safety side of things

Have 3 work trips planned in the next two weeks invloving 10 separate flights --- must be heading towards evens by the end of those
The more I fly - the more I want to fly. Am a holiday and flight junkie. Any remedy for this situation?

The novelty of flying has worn off I guess.

I don't get nervous when flying but I do find myself thinking what it would be like if the plane suddenly lost power whilst still climbing after take-off or during mid-flight. Not that I want to experience it or anything but just can't help those thoughts going through my mind.

Once, when flying from Cusco to Lima in Peru several years ago the plane made a VERY sharp descent at what seemed like a 45 degree angle. It was a night flight and only about 1/4 full. I thought to myself we're not due to land for another while so it's too early to be making our descent now. Started to get concerned and worried and seeing the look in a few of the other passengers eyes didn't reassure me. Then after about 1-2mins (which seemed a lot longer) the place levelled off and the pilot announced that we were approaching Lima airport. I breathed a sigh of relief but could never understand why the pilot could not have said that BEFORE the sharp descent. In hindsight I assumed the sharp descent had something to do with flying down from the Andes to sea-level but it's not something I'd like to experience again. Just thought I'd share that.

I'd like to do one of those parabolic flights that simulate weightlessness.

When compared with the carnage on the roads it's strange how we get nervous when flying but don't think twice when in a car when the odds are greatly increased. If the same pecentage of people that are killed every year in car crashes worldwide were killed in airplace crashes nobody would get on a plane.
Flew down to Trinidad and back every 2 weeks for a 3 month period back in 1995 flying with BWIA. Everyone I know said that BWIA stood for "But Will It Arrive". Had a few scary moments over the period, notably when we were on final approach and getting very low when the pilot apparently realised that the undercarriage was still up.

It has to be said, mind, that BWIA have never lost an aircraft yet and that in IMO is one of the best airlines to fly with.
Thats funny - I thought it was just me who got increasingly nervous the more I fly!
Initially I was never nervous flying and didnt understand people who were, but now after having travelled alot, I'm a bit apprehensive about take-off and landing.

Ivuernis - your story bring back a nightmare to me! I was flying from the north of Chili to Santiago, and 20 mins into the flight, the plane dropped sharply into the Andes at a 45 degrees angle. I really thought that was it. Instead we were making a non-scheduled stop at some little airport!
Well, if you weren't nervous before, you will be now after reading this thread!

I think the older you get, the more you realise you're not invincible and that accidents can and do happen to you, not just other people.