Our economy is growing strongly and sustainably
Our public finances are balanced due to the policies of this government and its predecessor
We have real risks and challenges
- Housing
- Brexit - the outcome is unclear
- Increasing trade barriers
- The international tax landscape
We must continue to maintain a stable and broad tax space
Our economy must be resilient in bad times and dynamic in good times.
We will manage our public finances responsibly
We will prepare the economy for Brexit - the best preparation for which is responsible economic policy.
I will be announcing
€300m human growth initiative
small business financing
€110m for Brexit measures
We face Brexit with a balanced budget
€55.1 billion tax revenue by the end of the year expected
Our ability to withstand shocks.
Establishing a rainyday fund with €1.5b from Irish Strategic Investment Fund
From 2019 - €500 m a year
Some of the high levels of CT will capitalise the fund.
Budget deficit to 0.1% in 2019
I will balance the budget for the first time since 2007.
€42,000 debt for every person resident in the state. One of the highest in the world.
OUr national debt was 111% of GNI * in 2017 to 105% in and 101% in 2019.