The meaning of Life- What's it all about-What's important and what's not

Maybe there is no meaning to life, the Universe and everything. What purpose does Earth and its inhabitants serve in the whole scheme of things? I can't see any external reason for our existence. Why does a rock exist, for example?

Then again, maybe we are here just to make plastic.
By 'to what end' I meant more 'for what purpose' really, not a physical 'end' as such.

What better end (or meaning) than be to taking part in The Greatest Show On Earth?

I agree with you though, its a bit flattening when you think about it - but Ive thought long and hard about it and I do believe that we are just here as part of the pattern of evolution and that its just a happy accident that we are sentient beings.

Thinking there is any more to it is (imo) ascribing a higher purpose to our existance that is unwarranted. We're gene replicators, like every other gene replicator on the planet.
This question makes my brain hurt, all i want is a nice cup of tea. I'll come back later and someone better have the answer otherwise ill get a headache.
the answer is WISPA but they're all afraid to admit it.

Are you suggesting that the meaning of life is so the Womens International Squash Players Association can exist. Froody Makes about as much sense as anything else... i feel that headache coming on.
I can feel a headache coming on. However, I can't resist putting in my twopence halfpenny's worth.

I do believe that we are just here as part of the pattern of evolution

I agree on the understanding that it is just an opinion as the meaning or purpose of life has no answer. Humans, because unlike animals, do not want to believe that life may not have any purpose so most believe in some kind of god rather than face the possible fact that there is nothing beyond death.

Personally, I think we will keep evolving in physical appearance and adapting to changes . Man no longer needs strength to hunt and fight . His physical appearance will adapt over hundreds of years to earthly conditions . Women will become more dominant and men less so.

Man's nature will change over several hundred years and roles between men and women will interchange.