the man, senator, who was told how to claim but wont name


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I have read it all now today in the Indo about the senator who was told by a TD how to "work" the system but wont name him???

keep the pressure on we will get results.

It is my understanding that this particular senator has a very low rate of claiminig expenses. So I am not sure what the benefit would be of "naming" and "shaming" because he is correct in stating - he doesn't know what this particular person was claiming, and whether this particular person was joking or not.

However I do think what the senator said was important, because it highlights the ease at which ministers and can inflate expenses. This needs to be addressed in general. I mean which one of us can claim travel expences for driving into and home from work!!!

What was interesting in the radio this am, was the pilot scheme (in between the canals) to get employees who have a parking space to pay tax on it. One of the groups exempt are retired workers - most notably retired ministers!!!!!!
I think this is a witch hunt for the sake of one. Surely a comprehensive review of all senators would find the true culprits.
There is a subtle dark tone to this particular story. It is like they are letting every other senator know to keep their mouth shut rather than let it be known that this type of exercise is widespread. I would have no faith that the motives behind this are genuine as I very much doubt that they are surprised by what this senator has said. As VOR says, a comprehensive review of all senators would be a much more open and genuine way of finding out who should be brought to task.
I think the point here is that what the senator was advised to do was, work the system, forget about integrity. That is the attitude that has to be stamped out and naming and shaming is the only way. Goes for newspapers as well.

I do agree they are beginning to circle the wagons but they may be too late.

Ronan Mullen says that he originally told the story in an interview to illustrate the prevailing culture in the Oireachtas and this is the culture that we all want stamped out.

I suspect that the reason that he wont name names is that it was a friend that said it and he doesnt want to embarrass him/her.

Stamping out this culture means going after all offenders to ensure that the rest of them get a fright.
In the case of TDs, we can all do our bit by making sure that we vote accordingly and let every candidate know that we will be doing that.

Of course, the Seanad is different as they are not voted by the people, but by some arcane bizarre undemocratic system, so they feel safer from being voted out by the riff-raff.