The joys of recycling


The good feeling from recycling:

I have spent the past couple of weeks reviewing my things. Time for most unwanted stuff to disappear. Death cleaning as I like to term it having read an article on Dostadning - Sweedish Death Cleaning. (Not dying anytime soon - as far as I know)

Work related stuff - boxes of it in the attic. Material I no longer use at work. Gone
Odd purchases from ALDI and Lidl. Gone
Books - lots of books. Gone
Working Electrical equipment that I no longer like or use. Gone
Furniture That never suited given as a present. Gone. Family member wanted these.
Fab Shoes that no longer fit me (toes stretched by yoga) Gone
Games I no longer use. Gone
Old pictures that were presents I never liked and never hung. Gone

Lots of items were requested by others at the bring center as I was delivering them to various bins. I was really pleased they liked my stuff and glad that they were going to use it. Some might even sell it. I don’t mind.

The books I brought out were gone the next day. Other items (expensive shoes) were given to nieces who coveted them and who wear them! Other that were past their use by date sent to recycle bin.

We have too much stuff. The more space we have the more likely we are to fill it. Less is more is my mantra from now on. If I buy something, I will recycle something.

I didn’t want to sell them on Done Deal or other sites. I also brought some stuff to charity shops.

I had great chats with many of those who took my stuff at the bring centre.

Just some random recycling thoughts on a Monday!

Why do we gather so much stuff?

Well done. Clutter is an illness we all suffer from to some degree. I'd like to keep possessions to the bare minimum I actually use, but it's hard to be that disciplined.
I didn’t want to sell them on Done Deal or other sites. I also brought some stuff to charity shops.

I do the same. As well as the "giving back" feeling I get from donating to charity shops, I really don't want strangers coming to my home for the sake of a few quid!
My brother has the whole minimalist thing down; he has asked everyone not to buy him ornaments as it is almost certain he will throw it out. If he hasn't worn an item of clothing in a year he gets rid of it.
I like to declutter as well. The problem is that as I create space the kids fill it with their junk.
when I get the goo on me to do a clear out of the shed I apply the 15 second rule to everything I put my hand on. It was valuable when I stored it and after years it now has 15 seconds to convince me that it should stay. Have done this more than once and have never regretted getting rid of something. I plan to do my attic soon as I can't hardly move up there atm