The innocence of kids


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So there I am yesterday evening walking down the stairs wearing a pair of shorts and the little one asks "Dada...where are your tights?" :D
I should send my hubby round in his running gear to confuse matters, the running leggings LOOK like a pair of black tights :)
I should send my hubby round in his running gear to confuse matters, the running leggings LOOK like a pair of black tights :)

The stuff she's coming out with is priceless...she helped me plant a herb garden at the weekend (as in she poured water all over the place) and when we were done she said "Dada...I mind flowers" .... gorgeous...really puts things into perspective!
My 5 yr old was desribing a boy in his class, and i told him the boy was half Chinese. So then he said "Daddy, am I half chinese?"
We bought some Xmas presents for Mrs Firefly's sister's kids and kept them in the utility. Small one saw them and wanted to open them so I told her "No, you can't open them, they're for Baby This post will be deleted if not edited immediately" to which she replied "Dada....I baby This post will be deleted if not edited immediately" :D
We bought some Xmas presents for Mrs Firefly's sister's kids and kept them in the utility. Small one saw them and wanted to open them so I told her "No, you can't open them, they're for Baby This post will be deleted if not edited immediately" to which she replied "Dada....I baby This post will be deleted if not edited immediately" :D

Innocent? That child sounds pretty smart to me! And I bet she said it with a straight face.

Reminds me of a story my mother used to tell about my sister. On cross examination, having been caught red-handed, scissors in one hand, hand bag handles no longer attached to her only good handbag in the other............"it was an accident"

Innocent? That child sounds pretty smart to me! And I bet she said it with a straight face.

Poker face if I ever saw one...good trait though!

Reminds me of a story my mother used to tell about my sister. On cross examination, having been caught red-handed, scissors in one hand, hand bag handles no longer attached to her only good handbag in the other............"it was an accident"

+1....last week she spilled a full cup of milk across the floor "It's OK's accidenn"
The innocence of poor Firefly :)

Anyone else feel like me that there's trouble ahead for poor Firefly :)

This smart young lady has the poor soul totally wrapped around the little finger and he'll be kept dangling on a string probably for the rest of his life.

Wait until the dowry time comes along :D
It's ok. He's on notice - we've warned him.

Oh no - hang on, he's a man!

My grandaughter was telling us that her Mammy was going to her Hen party soon. We asked her what was the name of the party her Daddy was going to and she said a "Rooster" party.
Anyone else feel like me that there's trouble ahead for poor Firefly :)

This smart young lady has the poor soul totally wrapped around the little finger and he'll be kept dangling on a string probably for the rest of his life.

Wait until the dowry time comes along :D

You got it in one!

There's a hill that we pass regularly (the "magic" roundabout flyover for anyone from Cork) and each time we go over it I have to reach back and hold her's great.

Little man in the house too though so there's some hope! If I can get either one of them into golf I'll be set ;).