The Impact(s) of Changing Retail Banking Technology on the Irish Consumer


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I am a final year student in DIT, undertaking a degree at night in Business Studies. As part of our final year assessment, we have to undertake a group dissertation. Our group, as per the thread title, are looking at the impact that changing retail banking technology has on the Irish consumer.

Brendan has kindly allowed me to post this here and I would love to get some responses from the knowledgeable people here at AAM.

Below is a link to our survey, it should only take about 5-7 minutes. Thanks in advance

Survey seems quite focused on in-branch transactions. I have read that 98% of these transactions are now automated or online.

The real change now is coming from digital-only banks like Revolut and N26, online FX brokers, mobile wallet payment methods like Google Pay and Apple Pay, the speedy reduction in cash payments, algorithms making loan risk assessments and chatbots.
Hi Ciaran

Thanks for the feedback - I think that is definitely the future alright, and quite a few of the responses have mentioned these methods. I think, from our point of view, this will have to go down as a potential future study as the focus is more on traditional banking.

Thanks to everyone who has responded so far