The IMO fiasco - is this real?


Registered User
I am surprised there has been no mention of the recent news on the IMO and the pay scenario that its ceo was allegedly remunerated. Its so weird I am baffled.

Here is one link

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but apparently the pay structure was such that 2 bonus payments were allowed each year! One was for 30% of salary and the other was for 33%. The unusual step was that the 30% was then added to existing salary. The person retired at age 51 on a salary of 500k but if they remained in office until NRA ie 66 the salary would have been off the richter scale. As it was he did very well.

How could anyone agree to such a system has me baffled.
".. 5000 members .. 20 staff .. annual salary of 500K .."

Because he's worth it ?
no way, he started at 230k in 2003 to say in less than 10 years that salary can be doubled is a total no no, they would go out of business
I think we just become so punch drunk by these scandals that no one even bats an eyelid anymore
The members only have themselves to blame. Did no one ever look at the accounts? Maybe more trade union members will start taking an interest in where there money is going.

Staggering though that any organisation could agree to such a package. It is obscene. Is the pension fund fully funded?
Irish Medical Organisation - How Are Ya? - Medical Consultants have been out of touch with financial reality for decades charging their patients inflated prices etc. Why should it be different with their representatives?

Imagine one of those "new terms" nurses employed in the team of some of these consultants - What would they think?
Ingrid Miley's RTE Radio1 interview with Paul McKeown, IMO President over the weekend explains it all!

Someone - they not quite sure who - signed off on percentile bonus top ups based on his salary - the total value of which they were not quite sure about either...:rolleyes:
Someone - they not quite sure who - signed off on percentile bonus top ups based on his salary - the total value of which they were not quite sure about either...:rolleyes:

Sounds amazingly like consultants own dream contract making with the government.
what an interview, they play bits at the beginning praising this individuall for his negotiating skills!!!

and the final settlement 9.4million was a good deal! That is one of the most shocking admissions of total incompetence I have ever listened to viz

The remuneration committee were advising on bonus payments to be made and DID NOT KNOW the current salary?? very suspicious. And if he stayed in post after xmas the pension would have kicked in!! why did he go?

a lot more to this than meets the eye. If I was a paid up member I would be asking quite a few questions and for my money back.
it gets worse this is from the IT

"Dr McKeown told the meeting a settlement deal with Mr McNeice reached before Christmas included a pension fund of €4.5 million, a termination payment of about €1.5 million and annual payments for 16 years to the value of about €3.6 million."

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just an update and it gets better the president was entitled to a yearly bonus of 25% ... but it was 25% of the chief executives pay.. so go figure and the president was on the remuneration committee.

you could not make it up but it looks as if the grassroots have twigged.
These are the same jokers who voted to go on strike if their pay and perks are reduced through CP2 cuts. Nice to see where their priorities lie. We should all remember this the next time one of these guys is in the media pretending they care about patient care and the sick and vulnerable. They care as long as they remain amongst the best paid doctors in the world.
And there's the rub. This was not disclosed in the accounts until a few weeks ago.:mad: What was accrued for McNiece in the pension fund was €4.5M. This was included in the 2011 and earlier accounts, though not specifically identified. What was not included in the accounts was that there was a "secret" negotiation to give him an extra €1.5M on early retirement plus a defined pension worth almost €20M. Yes that's right, an additional €20M over and above that accrued in the pension fund.

The IMO reported accrued reserves of €6M in its 2011 accounts. If McNiece had disclosed his secret package, and he was the chief officer of the management committee and therefore responsible for the accounts, the accounts would have shown a deficit of €14M i.e. 4 full years' subscriptions and the IMO would have been wound up.

As it happens, he negotiated a settlement which cleaned the IMO out; it has a deficit of 600K in 2012 after paying McNiece €5M of that undisclosed €20M. The Treasurer unbelievably states in the 2012 accounts that it had always been the intention to give a fully transparent disclosure of these arrangements. Telling someone that their pockets have been picked after the event is not fully transparent disclosure.:mad:

The level of obfuscation from the IMO is quite unbelievable. At first they tried to pin the deal on a dead ex president. It now transpires that the deal was signed after his death by another ex president. A 2003 speech to the IMO from this latter gentleman extolls the virtues of Mr McNiece who "has been a dear friend" for over 10 years. Dr James Reilly, a member of the remuneration committee that oversaw McNiece's arrangements, has been silent so far.

If there had been proper disclosure in the accounts, there is no way members would have continued to pay subscriptions. There is going to be an "independent" enquiry into IMO governance. It must surely conclude that members have been subscribing under false pretences over the last several years. The available assets of the IMO should be retuned to those members and at least McNiece would not get his €3.5M DB payments over the next 16 years.

Trust me, members are hopping mad. It is churlish of some in this thread to divert their disgust onto doctors and consultants. As it happens the IMO does not represent consultants. McNiece was not a doctor. He found himself as CEO of an organisation which employs around 25 staff and has annual subscription income of €3.5M and managed to negotiate himself a severance package worth 7 full years' subscriptions or 100 times his salary at time of negotiation in 2003.

Finally it would be wrong to say that they hired private jets on a routine basis, only occasionally.