The homeless guy with an amazing voice.

Brilliant, would say he might make a good talk show host too, with a bit of training.
He had a career as a radio announcer and lost home/money/whatever due to addiction.

Please God he'll be able to stay drug-free/sober now that he has a second chance.
Simon Cowell should employ him for the new US X-Factor, great voice and great publicity.

Nice to see some good news and not all bad, depressing stuff.
Oh I wanted to see it and I got this message from the above link -
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by The Dispach.
Sorry about that.
The Dispatch is the group who broke the story so they own it and they took down some videos

But there are copies still over youtube, it's so easy to find still
thanks Paddy I listened there. Meant to ask you any update on the girl from the wedding??