The Great "single Supplement" Robbery.

Anne Marie

Registered User
I got promoted recently, and as a result, I cannot get my usual, preffered Annual Leave weeks from work this year, so I can't join my friends to go off on hols with. I HAVE tried, believe me, I HAVE tried, sadly to no avail. But, as I am determined to have some sort of breakaway this year, I have been researching hols/trips to go on, either as part of a group or solo.
What is being charged, for a person to go away, not as part of a couple or a "pps" (per person sharing) is utterly scandalous!!! Honestly, how can Travel Agents charge almost (sometimes more!!) the cost of the holiday again, just coz' a person is travelling alone?

It's not that I am miserly, but, a recent 12-day holiday, to Bejing, China, which suited me perfectly, had over E800 added on to the total cost of E1,100, just coz' I was booking it solo. This seemed pretty exhorbitant to me, so I cancelled. Ok, Ok, I know hotels prefer double/multiple room bookings, but, c'mon.....E800....and I would still have had to share a room with a perfect stranger, even with paying this money?? And, probably, the perfect stranger sharing with me, would be paying it too?? And, supposing...that perfect stranger snored, or had smelly feet, or, supposing that perfect stranger did'nt like me, either?? Forget it.

I am presently researching the "Solo Traveller" sites, and they do have some great holidays, but...they are ALL in Sterling £££'s!!! So, with the Currency Surcharges, and the costs of flights to join the holiday...phew!!! joy there either!!!

Sob sob...I work very hard, and I do really NEED a holiday, but, as I have absolutely nobody to go away with this year, because my Annual Leave is the 1st three weeks in September, and everybody else has July and August off....WHAT am I to do??

Any ideas??

I refuse to pay "Single Supplement" of Zillions, it's sheer gangerster-ism, complete daylight robbery!!! I earn my wages the hard way, a 6am start to drive, for a 9am Workstart, with a 6pm(-ish!!) finish time, followed by a 9pm (-ish!!) arrive home time. 5 Days a week!!!

Have you looked at Their single supplements seem to be reasonable enough ie Beijing is €249.

Otherwise would you be prepared to travel alone and just book everything on the net?

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