The Government gets ready for revolt ?


Registered User
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Personaly I think the spark will be when social welfare and public service wages are cut by 30% as a condition of the next bailout .

What do you think ?
What a load of tosh!!!

Just as well a reporter has not been following me around for the past 6 months - I had BCPs involving terrorist blowing out a dam, a terrorist driving a oil tanker in a HQ building, a natural disaster and a couple of key staff kidnappings for good measure and that is just one company!

BCPs are a normal part of running any major organization and we'd be criticized heavily if something happened and we had not carried out the exercises.

People need to get a grip..... and the Irish Times needs to get back to series news reporting..
I dont think it is tosh at all. I think it was a quite an informative article. I never knew where the government would be located in an emergency .I think when the next bailout comes and the screw is further tightened on people we will see civil unrest in Ireland.
What do people need to get a grip of exactly ?