The Global Property Market

  • Thread starter Unregistered
  • Start date


A new discussion forum, with a section dealing with the Irish market

[broken link removed]
From the name of the site it sounds like it may be biased towards "discussion" of only a particular opinion. On the other hand if it diverts some of the useless property price (crash) speculation topics from this site it could be a blessing in disguise.
Run by someone in Bognor Regis I see .


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15 Haywards Close
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Unregistered said:
What is the house price to income ratio in Ireland anyone?

Brace yourself: it is in the dizzy region of 11 to 12.

In the UK, the Bank of England got jittery when this ratio reached 7.5 as this was the unaffordability trigger that was present before the last UK house price crash.

The Government here seems paralyzed from acting in any way as the whole house of cards is getting very vulnerable.

Forget property bubble, the phrase "mega-bubble" springs to mind ;-)
And here we go again; another thread on how property is overvalued and is going to crash. Can the administrators put an auto answer of "no one knows" in place for all these threads?
I have raised the issue of the recent spate of property market/crash speculation threads in the Moderators' Forum to see if we want to do something to address them.
Why ? Are the Mods scared that we might be right ? Do they have a vested interest in propping up house prices ?
The responses in here seem to be getting more and more alarmist in nature. I especially love the "you're trying to silence me/ you're all out to get me" type posts of late.

Especially this last one..."Why ? Are the Mods scared that we might be right ? Do they have a vested interest in propping up house prices ?".
Priceless ;)

The simple solution to this problem (although I wouldn't view it as a problem necessarily) is to amalgamate all prior posts into one and shift all new posts on this topic into that one post.
Tennant said:
Why ? Are the Mods scared that we might be right ? Do they have a vested interest in propping up house prices ?

I have no idea what opinions the other moderators have on this topic as I have only posted it. Personally I have no vested interest other than my PPR and don't really worry about its day to day value since I have no plans to move for the forseeable future. I don't know most of the other moderators personally or well enough to know their business but I'm pretty sure that none of them use AAM as a means to prop up the Irish property market with a view to making a killing. Proud and all as we are of the site I doubt we're not yet naive or deluded enough to think that we could legitimately be credited with this much influence on the markets! However I am of the opinion that these (many!) speculative threads don't really add much to the site since answers to the questions posed are predicated on the ability to predict the future. And nobody can do that so the discussions ultimately go nowhere. In addition some of them are not even discussions but rather tit for tat posting of links to articles about property markets (often not even Ireland) without any associated commentary or expressions of an opinion. However these are simply my personal views and obviously don't necessarily represent those of the other moderators or the AAM community as a whole.

By the way if there was any conspiracy involved in this do you think that I have bothered to publicly mention the fact that I had referred this issue to the Moderators' Forum? :rolleyes:

Gabriel said:
The simple solution to this problem (although I wouldn't view it as a problem necessarily) is to alamgamate all prior posts into one and shift all new posts on this topic into that one post.

Good point - hadn't considered that.
Here are some quotes from the moderator's FAQ

"it is an open forum"

"There is no restriction on who may post or who may reply to a post"

"We prefer to allow all opinions to be expressed"

"Controversy and argument are welcome."

I think we should respect these statements and continue to allow people to express their opinions openly and freely even if those opinions can sometimes make us feel insecure or uncomfortable.

Virtually all financial discussions in Ireland have a way of linking back to the Property Market. That is the reality of the situation Ireland today.
Just my 2C
Fine ! So confine it to one thread, rather than having the board cluttered with all this alarmist This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language...
I fail to see what any of the below comments have to do with this particular issue myself...

"it is an open forum"

"There is no restriction on who may post or who may reply to a post"

"We prefer to allow all opinions to be expressed"

"Controversy and argument are welcome."

Continuous posts on the same topic, which go around and around with inane replies about 'making people feel insecure', or 'what if we're right' or 'you're trying to censor me' adds nothing to 'The Great Financial Debates'. If a topic is going to be discussed, it should be conducted from within one opposed to multiple ones.

Virtually all financial discussions in Ireland have a way of linking back to the Property Market
Virtually all discussions can come back to ANY topic if you steer the conversation that way.
Reading the emotional tone of the above posts it obvious there is more to this than simply looking to neatly organize some threads.

When a poster adds their opinion and it's referred to as "This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language" or "inane" you just know someone's getting hot under the collar.

In my opinion, these responses are a more serious misuse of AAM then a few interrelated threads.
In my opinion, these responses are a more serious misuse of AAM then a few interrelated threads.

Reading that, in my opinion, one could easily come to the conclusion that you're merely trying to stir things up.

Many of the contributors here, myself included, do not have any great vested interest in the property market. I own my own ppr, but, much like Clubman, I have no intentions of moving. Neither do I have any intention of investing in property.
However, the quality of debate has been awful on this topic. I've seen some decent postings from people like Oysterman and pure nonsense from most of the unregistered contributors.

The emotional responses (that you refer to) are presumably as a direct result of the same point being made (rather badly), time after time after time, in multiple posts and in a manner that does not lend itself well to constructive debate.
Gabriel said:
Continuous posts on the same topic, which go around and around with inane replies about 'making people feel insecure', or 'what if we're right' or 'you're trying to censor me' adds nothing to 'The Great Financial Debates'. If a topic is going to be discussed, it should be conducted from within one opposed to multiple ones.

By the same logic it seems that there are some unregistered users around who try to kill all debate on 'whether' house prices have peaked and may go into reverse and the consequences thereof. They are probably property 'journalists' who belive that they do it in plastic bags :)

It would be best IMHO if it were structured thus.

1. A thread were started on the prospects for high ongoing price appreciation with no naysayers allowed in there at all .

2. A thread were started on the prospects for modest ongoing price appreciation with no naysayers allowed in there really .

3. A thread were started on stagnancy in absolute terms and implications thereof ...meaning depreciation in real terms and possible better deployment of capital .

4. A thread were started on slightly falling prices and the implications for property and building only , not the wider economy.

5. A thread were started on the wider macroeconomic implications beyond building and property were there a large fall in property prices , not least being the effective evaporation of Billions of €s of equity from under the readers noses .

That should keep the 'protagonists' well apart and each on its own is a great financial debate in its own right . Everything else can be deleted or merged into if a worthy thought or opinion .

Howzat !
Another problem is that we don't know which 'unregistered' is which, i.e. is the same person stirring things in different threads?
AFAIK the mods can find out if posts are all coming from the same source ccovich but since they do the moderating for free and (I assume) they all have day jobs, I would think they have better things to be doing. AAM can only really function if people behave in an adult and constructive way (myself excluded ;)).