The future was rubbish


Registered User
This morning as I inched my way through the clogged arteries of the organism that is Dublin rush-hour, I spent some time staring at the back of a TOYOTA Prius.

It occurred to me - The future is rubbish.

If you had told me, when I was a kid, that the best advance made by the motoring industry by the year 2005, was a petrol/electric hybrid, I could not have believed you.

Where's my jet-pack ?

This is not good enough. I grew up dreaming fo space stations and space exploration and phasers and Vulcan neck pinches. And now, >30 years later, what had science done for us ?

Botox ? Robosapiens ?

I feel cheated :rolleyes: .
Re: The future is rubbish

When I was a young child and subjected to Star Trek films courtesy of my older brothers, I was sure that the immediate future held the promise of that 'beam me up Scotty' machine. That would be so handy, no?
Re: The future is rubbish

Teleporting !

That's another one that was promised ! The sooner the US military release that on a commercial basis ....
Re: The future is rubbish

TarfHead said:
It occurred to me - The future is rubbish.

Don't you mean the present is rubbish?

Unless you were entering some sort of space time contiuum on the M50 this morning (not beyond the bounds of possibilities), how could you tell that something that hasn't happened yet is going to be rubbish?

And I don't really accept your point anyway. Its my opinion that that a whole lot of the things that we were expecting to come along have come along, and in many areas are a whole lot more advanced, but for various reasons, may just not be available to us in the general public.

Plus, aren't the developments in genetics, medicines etc (non-technology) vastly further ahead than ever expected? Isn't this more important than being able to be beamed from one location to another. Didn't they do this already in the States anyway with the [broken link removed]

Items may be just to expensive to mass produce, there may not be the demand for items that are available (the jet pack for example), governments and big business may not want us to avail of other developments (alternative fueled cars).

Look at the communications methods we have now compared to the aforementioned Star Trek. Far far better than the "comms" that they had. No mobile video picture calling there, not even picture messaging.
Re: The future is rubbish

Vanilla said:
When I was a young child and subjected to Star Trek films courtesy of my older brothers, I was sure that the immediate future held the promise of that 'beam me up Scotty' machine. That would be so handy, no?

so you could make it to the drinks tonight?
Re: The future is rubbish

ronan_d_john said:
Don't you mean the present is rubbish?

When I was a kid, 2005 = future.
2005 = rubbish.

Ergo, QED, future = rubbish.

Anyway, your post is way too analytical and factual to be taken seriously for a whimsical TFIF thread ;) .
Re: The future is Here !

Originally Posted by Tarfhead
Teleporting !

That's another one that was promised ! The sooner the US military release that on a commercial basis ....

The future is here and now -
Re: The future is rubbish

As a kid I watched the "back to the future" movies and was hoping we would have those flying cars by now!

Also was hoping we would have robots readily available to do all the household chores we hate and be like a robotic butler obeying my every wish!

Also could do with a teleporter sometimes when the thought of a journey puts me off. Then could transport myself from the sticks in Cork to the Xmas pint!!!!
Re: The future is rubbish

fobs said:
As a kid I watched the "back to the future" movies and was hoping we would have those flying cars by now!
[broken link removed]

Also was hoping we would have robots readily available to do all the household chores we hate and be like a robotic butler obeying my every wish!
Domestic robots.

Also could do with a teleporter sometimes when the thought of a journey puts me off. Then could transport myself from the sticks in Cork to the Xmas pint!!!!
[broken link removed]
Re: The future is rubbish

Yeah...I watched 'Weird Science' as a kid and I always dreamt of being able to create my ideal woman in that manner. Imagine the possibilities??? Damn computers are useless! ;)
Re: The future is rubbish

Stepford Wives, Gabriel? I'm sure your perfect woman wouldn't be driving though.:rolleyes:
Re: The future is rubbish

Vanilla said:
Stepford Wives, Gabriel? I'm sure your perfect woman wouldn't be driving though.:rolleyes: you're right. She definitely wouldn't be driving ;)
Re: The future is rubbish you're right. She definitely wouldn't be driving ;)

surely you would program her to drive like a man and then the roads would be perfect ;)
Re: The future is rubbish

fobs I never thought of that...I'll write that into my program ;)
Re: The future is rubbish

Lost In Space.....really impressed me when I saw it a few years ago. The 1950s family land on some planet, and the mother throws all the laundry into the washing machine. A few clicks and whirrs later, the machine ejects the clothes: clean, ironed, folded, and wrapped in plastic. You'd know a woman didn't write the episode, otherwise the clothes would have put themselves away too!