The Forex Market



Wondering does anybody have any insight into the Forex market. Recently received a call and subsequently some data from a Dublin based firm that will provide you with software and training to proceed trading in the Foreign exchange market. Sales pitch and brochure appear almost too good to be true. Initial investment required of approx €15,000. Anyone receive similar approaches recently or anybody with feedback from trading this way??
Sales pitch and brochure appear almost too good to be true.

Anything that appears to be too good to be true, normally is.

Keep your money in your pocket before your second post is in the forum 'Ask About Law' cos you will have been done
I think I know the company you mean.

It's an automated trading program, which may work, or it may not... it depends on the quality of the programming.

But it is possible to make money from automated trading...

I'd be reluctant to use such a company or program, but I wouldn't rubbish it out of hand. New technologies often have detractors.

If it is that good, why on earth would the owners be selling it? Wouldn't they just forget about selling whatever else they sell and use it to make a fortune on the markets?
Well yes, that seems to make sense.

But you could use the same argument for all managed investments, investment funds etc.. if they're confident that they'll make a profit why seek money from customers? They are seeking to make money in more than one way... the more money they make and invest now will make additional profits, and these profits will be compounded.

As I say, I'm not totally convinced either.. but if someone had come to you in the 60's asking for money, claiming that they'd developed a card counting system which was guaranteed to make money from casinos by playing blackjack it seems that most people would have been sceptical, although in the end the card counting system does work.. it was a new technology, or a more advanced analysis.. but in the end it worked.

Now I agree that this seems different, but it's not as outrageous as it may sound.

Some advanced technology is very advanced. For example, universities have developed computer software which can decipher those CAPCHAs things.. that are supposed to distinguish humans from programs.. but with the advanced software the CAPCTHA can be nullified, and rendered useless.. .even though that in the vast majority of cases CAPCHAs do work, it requires very advanced technology to beat it. Effectively these programs can be said to 'see' and 'understand'.. in a limited way.

Another example would be computer poker playing.. some very advanced poker playing programs can beat all but the best human poker players... a technology like this, coupled with a program which can 'see' and understand the poker interface (again very advanced).. could make a lot of money by playing online poker. Virtually guaranteed profits, but again most people wouldn't believe these claims. But it is possible, even today. A brave individual who overcame his skeptisim and invested in such a scheme could make large profits.

That company (the FOREX one) claims that over the last 20 months they have shown consistent profits.. as I say, I'm skeptical, but maybe it's true... I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand, although I don't think I'd invest either.

I'm clearly very interested in Artificial Intelligience, ... some huge progress has been made. The Shazam program that can identify songs.. how does that work?.. it seems magical.. basically the program can be said to 'hear'. Clearly very advanced technology, and it's new.

Google have programs that can identify human faces... this is an exceptionally difficult thing to do, and would have been considered nearly an intractable problem even a short period of time ago, yet it works today.

Who knows what'll be possible in the future?, and the future is now.
As someone said it before... RUN AWAY.

If the program is so good why don't they use their own program and make all the money in the world... pure spam and scam.