The Filthy Rich....

Brendan Burgess

I've was house hunting recently, and my search concentrated on one of the more upmarket areas of Dublin. A place called Howth.
Detached properties in this area tend to fetch telephone number type figures. It would be hard to find anything below 1M euro.

But what I keep seeing time and again is these million+ euro homes that STINK, and are generally untidy, but often downright FILTHY. Totally off-putting.

I've been to less 'salubrious' areas to check out some properties and find them often in very good nick, and generally clean.

So what is it with 'Rich' folk? Are they really 'filthy rich' in the literal sense? I can understand a bit of pong (especially where the house is large and owned by an elderly person looking to trade down) but more often these houses are owned by wealthy middle aged people trading up! I recently saw one house where the (possible identifyication features deleted)had pictures of himself on his yacht all over the gaff, but the place looked like it had been maintained by a squatter on drugs. It smelled of wet dog.

I laugh when I watch those programs about selling houses on UK TV. The Brits seem to at least want to make an effort to tart the gaff up...but the Paddies (especially the loaded ones) couldn't be arsed. No need to when they know it'll still be fought over by the desperate punters.
I reckon you have the answer in the last few lines, they couldn't be bohered making it 'marketable' as it will be snapped up and redecorated by professionals anyway! it's all location, location, location.
Re.The Filthy Rich....

If you posted the same comments about houses/people in poor areas an army of pinko's would have descended on you by now.
Re: Re.The Filthy Rich....

I would prefer

- Wet Dog
- Socks
- Cauliflower cooking

type aromas

to spray airfreshners & the like - they leave me gasping for breath

Anyway, its probably just to passé to do the baking bread & fresh coffee thing these days

Re: Re.The Filthy Rich....

to spray airfreshners & the like - they leave me gasping for breath
A man after my own heart. What is it with the (usually female) obsession for an artifical, chemical smell that is supposedly 'fresh'. Give me fresh flowers, or fresh bread, or even fresh sweat any day - but not something out of a bottle or spray.

I presume that based on the amount of TV advertising devoted to the spray/freshner type products, they must be big sellers - but all they do is mask one smell with another chemical smell.

To get back to the original point, I was suprised to find while canvassing some fairly upmarket leafy suburbs of south Dublin that maybe 1 in every 30 houses (and there were 750k-900k houses) was in rag order altogether, uncut grass, yellowing net curtains, paint peeling off the doors etc.
Re: Re.The Filthy Rich....

> I was suprised to find while canvassing some fairly upmarket leafy suburbs of south Dublin

Are there many Champagne socialists out that way? ;)
Re: Re.The Filthy Rich....

was in rag order altogether, uncut grass, yellowing net curtains, paint peeling off the doors etc.

Is this not the well documented asset rich cash poor situation that we hear so much about these days. e.g widow living alone in family home with reduced pension etc. let's not be too quick to judge people on their address, personal circumstances may not always measure up to the post code.

Re: Re.The Filthy Rich....

Hi Natchessman - There was no judgement or criticism in my comment - Just a statement of suprise/curiousity. I'm sure some of those houses were cases of asset-rich/cash-poor elderly, though some of there were clearly 'family homes', with buggies & kid toys strewn around too.
Re: Re.The Filthy Rich....

I guess it's odd that such places aren't tidied for viewing by prospective buyers (and estate agents will usually urge sellers to do just that and even do some cosmetic redecoration which can yield returns in excess of the costs involved) but people are obviously free to live their lives whatever way they want as long as it doesn't inconvenience others. If people want to live with untidiness or dirt then that's their prerogative. I'd probably be more inclined towards that way of life myself than a lot of the keeping up with the Jones' house proudness crap that goes on these days.

Its a case of the "filthy irish" yet again. Like it or not, that is how we are perceived by many folk from abroad. Filthy posh house ( as you say ) , filthy inner cities, litter everywhere.