The Edges - Beacon South Quarter Sandyford


Registered User
Was passing here this morning and there was a massive queue outside the marketing suite!! The paper said that these were not due to be released until tomorrow.

Are these actual punters waiting to get an apt/duplex or is there something else going on (hopefully)?
I was going to ask what people thought about this development but it sounds like the apartments would have sold out in minutes!

A friend of mine put down his booking deposit for one of these apartments yesterday morning so there must have been an early release.
There was a private viewing yesterday for those who had registered their interest with Sherry Fitzgerald. My boss was one such person and forwarded me the email for the pre-launch. So, that's what was going on! Always worth registering so you get ahead of the posse. Mind you, they're not due for completion until 2008 which seems like a very long wait to me

'We have a limited number of the ‘The Edges’ and ‘The Cubes’ apartments available which will be offered exclusively to those who have registered with us in advance of the public launch. To facilitate this, we invite you to a private viewing of the market leading show suites on site'
So much for me pre-registering with Sherry Fitz a few months ago, no email from them. Fortunately I'd talked myself out of it already, Spring 2008 for completion is too far away for my needs.
Have you ever tried driving past Beacon Q any day from 7am to 9pm.It's one major bottle neck and that's before anyone moves into any apartments,Hotel or Hospital!!!They also seem very expensive for what they are.
But I could see as an investment they'd have good rental appreciation etc because of all the local amenities etc...But I personally would not like to live here.Just my opinion.
spring 2008 is a long way away alright - the apartments are expensive and not the biggest either.

I have seen the building out there and the apts in opposite blocks are very close to each other - could be a problem with privacy there alright.

Apparently Dunnes Stores have bought the lease for the biggest retail unit there and they expect more shops to follow - will be interesting to see how it pans out but its still a long way from being completed. Could be a good investment though with the new hospital opening EY2006.
Have a look for Sandyford in daft and you will see there is a wide range of prices for apartments in Beacon Court. Some have already dropped to €1300pm for a two bed while others ae still looking for €1600. It will be very interesting to see the price for a 2 bed come 2008, I think you will have a choice of apartments for less than €1300 by then.
Anybody know about the building progress of this development? The first phase was due to be completed by June and ready for people to move in. I believe the new date is now November.
I work near the Beacon South Quarter development and I'd say that November would be about right for the Cubes. Some of the external glass is going in now on one of the blocks. The blocks seem to be quite close together, and I wonder how much natural light some of the apartments are going to get.

As for the other parts of the development, well, it's mostly a big hole in the ground at the moment.

If you have a car and you're interested in one of these apartments you're going to have to buy a space for it, as about half of the on-street parking spaces were removed from the estate a few months ago.
Anyone bought there? Would be interested in hearing any owner views?
Bought a two bed in One Beacon just over a year ago as an investment. Sherry Fitz reckon they have gone up by 40% in value ( sounds too good to be true) either way I am totally satisfied with the development. I'm getting good rent €1,650 per month. The cubes and edges look interresting but I don't know if the standards are the same. Are they John Rocca interior designed?, those Kitchens and Bathrooms make One Beacon.
Ideal for a young person who works in the area or someone who wishjes to rent it out. Should be good rental market for years to come as Sandyford area is one of the cities strongets performoing commercial areas.
Coming from one who works there, I would never live there. It is an absolute mess with regards to traffic all day, most of the year and this will only get worse. Its a place for a carless person, whjo is more than happy to do all their shopping in what ever is a walk away.
You are

Beacon South Qtr is also designed by John Rocha. I think the kitchens are of the same genre but just different colours. Possibly bathrooms the same
The bathrooms are also big bath, huge shower head, mood lighting etc...
Ive seen one of the finished Cubes but not One Beacon so basing my opinions on marketing guff so read into that what you will!

Good to hear the good news for One Beacon on the rent and satisfaction front, hope Beacon Sth Qtr moves in the same direction

On the comment about traffic, understood. Ill be amazed in 10 yrs if anyone will be able to move anywhere in Dublin in a car!
You must have bought there CiaranM to be talking like that. Is your big old pile of negative equity annoying you ?
I think Monkeyboy has a point about traffic. It's ridiculous in Sandyford as it is and is only going to get worse with these apartments there as well.
I started to read this post thinking it was posted today. Hearing about people queueing for a development gave me the shivers, memories of when I first bought and the stress of queue for 24 how things have changed in such a short space of time!