The easiest floor to keep clean?


Registered User
Putting down floors in a holiday home and since it is supposed to be a place for relaxing not working, am wondering what people feel is the easiest floor to keep clean?
Also wondering if people have wooden floors in their kitchen and how do they find them?
Many thanks
A dark tile hides a multitude - we have terracotta coloured ones and I'd be ashamed to tell you how infrequently the kitchen floor is washed
My thoughts exactly. You can buy 'luxury' lino that looks very much like tiling, but is a lot easier to clean and doesn't feel as cold under bare feet. Won't last as long, of course — but it's a lot cheaper than tiling, and leaves you the option of replacing it a few years down the road if it gets mouldy dirty (or you just grow sick of it!)
Where's a good place to buy lino? We will be replacing the tiles in our tiny kitchen for lino cause they're ugly and I'm sick of everything smashing if you drop it!
I have laminate wood flooring and it is never NEVER clean! I'm not a super tidy person but it's like living on glass every speck of dust sticks out. Real wood would have some groves for dirt to hide in.