The Common Cold

Find this stuff ester c very good for preventing colds. Have heard a lot of people recommending it. Its a mild version of vitamin C and not too hard on the stomach.
Olbas Oil on the pillow works for me in sorting out the symptoms of sinusitus.
Rather a sweeping statement! Actually, there are several well-conducted scientific studies which support the use of, in particular, echinacea. The situation is complicated by the fact that there has been huge diversity in the echinacea species, extraction/processing methods, and dosage regimens employed by different researchers. Undoubtedly, there are some beneficial products and treatment regimens, while others are of no value.
Regarding the common cold and flu - I think a lot of it could be hereditary. I am a pensioner - never got a cold or flu - none of my brothers or sisters ever got one. My elderly mother and father also went through life without ever getting cold or flu. None of us ever got the flu injection. From my point of view the only preventitive I take is 2 spoons of cod liver oil first thing every morning, eat sensibly, 30 minute walk every day and at least 8 hours sleep each night. Non smoker and only alcohol is glass of wine with meal on special occasions. I have never been sick in my life, thank God. I put it down to hereditary genes.
I drink a litre of pure orange juice when I feel a bit run down, and that sorts it out.

I haven't gotten a cold in as long as I can remember.

I have a no medicine policy. I blame my tough immune system on that.
If you do get a cold,wash your hands constantly as is practical-it serves to break the infection-reinfection cycle between nose and hand.
The wife swears by sinutab for the blocked nose,I prefer echinacea tablets myself.

Wash about 3 oranges and lemons, cut up into slices (any way you like) and throw all into a big pot and boil for about an hour (keep lid on so that you keep as much of the vapour). Add to a pint glass with the following: Lemsip, Vit c tablet and healthy drop of Jamie. Everytime I feel a cold coming on, I get this into me.