The Common Cold


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Hey all – I have noticed a significant increase in the advertisements for common cold remedies and in particular for “Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray”.

Has anyone used this product?

Has anyone any other tips/remedies to try and prevent getting a common cold, which I am really keen to avoid over Christmas.....

I take the more obvious precautions i.e. plenty of fruit and veg and washing my hands thoroughly throughout the day.

Anyone else have any other tips to try and prevent getting a cold or remedies to take when you feel the first onset of a cold?

The juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey in a cup of boiling water seems to work for me most of the time if taken when I first start sniffling.
a wolly hat and a nice warm drink before you go out will help..thats what i have before i left the hse in morning

I always find that when I feel a cold starting (usually a sore throat for me!) a couple of glasses of orange juice stops it developing any further.

Basically you need to keep your vitamin C levels up.

The more exercise you do the better. To follow on from Trionas question - does anyone have any suggestions for shifting a bad case of sinusitis. Have a had a blocked nose and pain for about 8wks. Doctor says it will go in time.
The cold virus (and many others) gets into your nasal passage. When you are warm your blood supply to you nose is good and your body is able to contain the virus. When you are cold your body reduces blood flow to your extremities and the virus can spread into your respiratory tract. It’s a little more complex than that but that’s the general idea.
The solution; wear a scarf and hat.
Recently tried Uniflu Plus. Packs a punch- very effective for the usual cold symptoms- but it does make me drowsy.
The more exercise you do the better. To follow on from Trionas question - does anyone have any suggestions for shifting a bad case of sinusitis. Have a had a blocked nose and pain for about 8wks. Doctor says it will go in time.

The best thing for this for me is a facial massage.

Uniflu also knocks me out.
Rubex is excellent as a flu prevention product. Take a glass each morning and colds/flu will be things of the past.
Most people who get a bad cold say they have the flu.
The Spanish Flu killed 50 to 100 milloin people so I tend not to throw the flu word around too much.

How many time have I heard people say "I had the flu yesterday but I am over it now!" Jus like that? Most flus are common colds, for which there is no cure-unfortunately.
Vit C and all the likes useless if you get the flu. As for lemsip etc, sure tea coffee and paracetamol just as good.
Men get the Flu, children get colds. Women get on with it.

But once a month the men and kids get grief and earache

As for the sinusitis Mourinho, I have it almost constantly. Tried garlic tablets and they seemed to help. Was told to try the 'aqua water spray' (salt water up the nose) but it almost made me gag and only seemed to make it worse.
The past two winter's i've played indoor football 1-2 nights a week and ive barely had a sniffle. I usually have colds from November-March what with allergies and all. Getting the blood pumping and the lungs cleaned out seems to do the trick. I know a Dr who claims Aniseed is about all that helps.
I was watching the Afternoon Show a few weeks ago. They had a doctor on who was talking about alternative remedies for the treatment of Asthma and he demonstrated an exercise for clearing a blocked nose.

Take a deep breath, pinch your nose closed with your fingers and slowly nod your head up and down for about ten seconds.

I tried it later when I had a cold and it worked. It obviously won't stop the return of a blocked nose but it works as a quick fix!
I keep a Vicks Inhaler in my pocket, so i cna take a SNIFF when i go outside, some people allergic to cold air and likely to cough and stuffy nose