The Coast (in Baldoyle) - any thoughts ?

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any one familiar with this new development in Baldoyle ? any thoughts on the area / builders (monolly)/ price etc etc ?
there is a proposed DART station close by - any idea when it is scheduled to open ?

prices seem to have rocketed - eg 4 bed townhouse when irst launched in OCT 05 = from 420k & now from 495k in next phase !!!

Re: the Coast - any thoughts ?

Check out the website. It's located across the trainline from The Coast development and has info re the train station and facilities being built in the area.

I think the train station is scheduled to open Spring 2008.
ruler2; booked a house there on the initial pre-launch but pulled out later. My own personnal feeling was the overall development was too big. Theres quite a lot of land around the Menolly Homes development, that they have yet to announce plans for.
As for the prices, I remember there being quite a variety of 3 and 4 bed houses and also quite a spread in prices. I believe there was generally a 10% increase across the board between pre-launch and general launch, not unusual these days though !

As for Mennolly homes, a sound company, good track record. Have dealt with them in the past and have no complaints

Good luck
have to say danmo is right.i work out there and its pretty swampy.those with underground carparks beware.there are problems at the mo especially on the beaupark side.the coast side is ok at the mo.
Just to clarify on what the other two posters are saying, most of the buildings in the new "Racecourse" developments in Baldoyle/Balgriffin area are located on the flood plain which discharges into an estuary at Portmarnock and Baldoyle. There has been extensive drainage works carried out but it remains to be seen as to whether this will alleviate the flood problems that some of the local residents have been experiencing for years, and the problems that possibly residents in the new developments may have.
With all that is being said about the risk of flooding, am I being naive in thinking that planners and councillers would have taken this into account when granting planning permission?

I don't recall any media coverage of serious flooding around the area in the recent past (as opposed to Ringsend/Irishtown).
Oh yes they have taken this into account. In fact if I remember correctly, it was a stipulation of the overall planning for the area that the drainage works needed to be completed & an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) carried out along with a detailed study.
However the new drainage works have yet to be properly tested and word of mouth is that the builders are up against the odds in relation to the ongoing construction works.
However if anybody is familiar with "The Marina" in Malahide, they will recall that there were similar concerns about drainage and subsidence. It seems to be holding up fine Although I'm sure there is somebody out there who will poke holes in my argument!
have bought one of the 3 beds with garage in red arches. Got a look yesterday. anyone else bought a semi? expensive (670k) and fairly big, although bedrooms could have been bigger (wider) and big gardens, nice kitchen etc. Not sure that the flood plain extends in that far as the building, but please correct me. there are bunglows on the other side of the road which much be flooded a hell of a lot quicker.. yes going to be big estate but should have good facilities too.
Could someone help me with these questions. Does anyone know when the red arches houses are due to be completed? And does anyone know if there's any access from the development into Baldoyle, around Stapolin/Castlerosse. I'm thinking about how hard it might be to get to Bayside station. If you could walk across it wouldn't be too bad, but if you had to go up that long road to the Coast Road, it'd be a disaster.

I bought a duplex in Morrow House (1st phase). When i bought it i was told it would be ready in June but SherryFitz contacted me to say it would be October now. Re. access to Bayside train station... it's a ten minute walk through the housing estate - i can't remember the name but it's the estate just after the Racecourse Shopping Centre.
I'm in Parker House at the moment in a Show unit while Menolly are doing a bit of work on my house.Bedrooms a little Small, Living-Dining large enough.A awful lot of dust and dirt about only to be expeccted of a building site.Location wise it's alright for me near shops and pubs 1 hour to work (Donnybrook) depends on what you want. One problem I have is that there are no locks on the windows and very low sills so easily opened by young inquisitive children if your not on constant guard.

I have an apartment in Morrow House, that wont be ready until July, but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck in getting the different measurements for the rooms? Thanks.
Is it a two Bed??? If so you can drop up to the show house I'm in for measurements...
Anybody know when the next phase of this development is being released, got to have a look a few weeks ago when they opened the site and was very impressed but most of the units were already sold.
I havent been out to look at these yet? Are they worth the visit? They sound pretty grim from some of the descriptions? Do the apts on the coast rd really have sea views and are they worth 420k for a 2 bed??
The other side of the site, near Grange Rd, is that a rough area? They seem to be a lot more reasonable in price...must be a downside?
I got a call from SherryFitz who told me Morrow House won't be ready now until October...
Deffo don't have a coast view as there's a long driveway from the entrance to the apts. Maybe if you have binoculars! Grange Road side is fine too btw, all the same really.
Grange Road has a good bit of industrial users and a bit down from the entrance to the development is the Baldoyle Industrial Estate.
There's plus sides & minuses to this side of the new development as this is where the new DART station will be located and the hotel is under construction. It's certainly not a rough area imho.
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