the case of savita- i am a bit confused

Damn those liberals. I remember one of them said the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard: "judge not, that ye be not judged". Can't remember where I read it, think it was an op-ed piece in one of the really liberal newspapers or something.
. In the meantime the pro-abortion lobby will wring what they can out of the story.

And what do you think the pro-abortion lobby are achieving that they shouldn't ? Do you not think they don't want women to die for lack of care because a doctors has a certain medical ethic or is afraid of the medical council, or another staff member reporting him or being prosecuted under the 1861 Act?
While I'm still waiting for Bullbars medical peer review of the Dublin Symposium declaration on the other thread
You can stay waiting. Or like I said, you may go and reserch what was discussed at the symposium and by who before leaping to ridiculous conclusions and denoucing it. It is not up to me to peer review, you seem confused as to who should do this.
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As she stated that more than once on RTE I thought of ... and wonder whether if she had been her patients she would be alive today, methinks not.

This lady's grieving family have not sought to make a political football out of her incredibly sad and tragic death, least of all in the context of what is now a bitter and twisted abortion debate. It ill-behoves you to attempt to do so. To be blunt, you should delete your comment.
Its rather self-explanatory, people on both sides of the debate (in general, not AAM) are getting somewhat angry and bitter and some people have been saying and writing thing things that they've later regretted.
Its rather self-explanatory, people on both sides of the debate (in general, not AAM) are getting somewhat angry and bitter and some people have been saying and writing thing things that they've later regretted.

Thanks for the explanation. I didnt get that from the expression at all. I thought it implied the subject matter was bitter and twisted or that the fact that there was debate at all was bitter and twisted - not that people have been saying and writing things they have regretted.

Any examples of that (in general, not AAM) - cant say Ive noticed it? Ive noticed some heat alright, but thatd be normal given an emotive topic, but I havent particularly noticed any bitterness or regret?
I thought it implied the subject matter was bitter and twisted or that the fact that there was debate at all was bitter and twisted.

I can't for the life of me see how I implied either of the above in what was really a throwaway remark.

Any examples of that (in general, not AAM) - cant say Ive noticed it? Ive noticed some heat alright, but thatd be normal given an emotive topic, but I havent particularly noticed any bitterness or regret?

I dont think one person being vulgar is worth referring to a debate as "bitter and twisted" when there have been hundreds of perfectly polite exchanges on the subject.
I dont think one person being vulgar is worth referring to a debate as "bitter and twisted" when there have been hundreds of perfectly polite exchanges on the subject.

Have you nothing better to worry about? If it suits you, I'll delete my earlier remark. Happy now?
Well I'm not happy Tommy that you deleted it because it was directed at me. And I'd prefer if you put it right back.

But I know you for a while, in as much as one can on here, so I know you were not being nasty to me.

You were upset about that other ladies story, and I too am upset about her story, but it is in the public domain so we are entitled to comment on it don't you think? I'm not seeking to make any political capital. All I care about is the rights of women and their babies and the medical care they are should be entitled to.
Well I'm not happy Tommy that you deleted it because it was directed at me. And I'd prefer if you put it right back.

Hi B

Relax, if you read my post, first of all I didn't delete anything. Secondly my 'bitter and twisted' comment was not directed at you. Of all people, even though I don't know you personally I respect you far too much to ever direct any such comment at you.

If you can't find evidence of 'bitter and twisted' debate on abortion, try Twitter.

And finally, I think the case of the lady whose inquest took place recently should not be cited in the abortion debate as there was no evidence from the coverage of her inquest of any relevance therein, nor have any comments to that effect been made by her family. Of course you are entitled to say what you like about her death, but in deference to her grieving family, I would suggest that respectful silence might just be an appropriate response.
If you can't find evidence of 'bitter and twisted' debate on abortion, try Twitter.


OMG no way can I follow Twitter. Have a look at my PC computer thread to see how bad I am, my whole family were in stitches at that thread.

Let's leave Twitter out of this debate on AAM. But if you could show me a link I'll give it a go.

I have noted your point about this particular woman's story, but stories like that are part of the debate, in my opinion, that's why I brought it up.

(and BTW thank you for your kind words)